on 11/15/2013
I see we now have an article on independent escorts. Isn't there a way to stop this before it gets published? I'm thinking people might stop by and think that such articles do actually stay on the site.
Isn't it a better idea to let people sign up/make an account but prevent them from publishing anything until it's vetted? Wait, I thought that's how it was (with those first five articles). Now I'm confused :)
on 11/15/2013
I agree, Mira. But I think that such spam is not unknown on Wizzley. Jo Harrington was insulted by someone whose commenton her article was an advert for a psychiatric clinic. We all have to be vigilant against it and make the necessary complaints.
on 11/15/2013
Thanks for your vigilance. :) This is not only spam but also against our TOS. I've deleted the account. When I get up in the morning, around 8 AM (CST - in Texas), the first thing I do, is check out our new submissions. That's when I catch this crap. Don't worry too much, though. The first 5 articles of a new member are blocked to Google bots until I approve them. So, no harm done to our site. :)
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 11/15/2013
frankbeswick: 11/15/2013 - 05:57 AM
I agree, Mira. But I think that such spam is not unknown on Wizzley. Jo Harrington was insulted by someone whose commenton her article was an advert for a psychiatric clinic. We all have to be vigilant against it and make the necessary complaints.
You were more than vigilant, Frank. You swooped in there and defended my mental well-being before I even saw it. I was both insulted and complimented in the same stream. Thank you for having my back. <3