Re Seth Godin's lens: Also check this out: Summer Reading 2011
Well, I get why everyone is upset over this lens. I wouldn't be able to do one that way simply because of the way I write. I'd come up with a deeper introduction and, at the very least, a final paragraph of the round-up.
It's a round-up lens. I get what he's doing. Tons of these types of articles are published every year in print and online. And you're all right. It is, someone said, "thin."
That said, he chose 5 books, provided, however slight, personal commentary, and an interactive module. Then 4 more books with slight recommendations, pulled 3 of his own projects, and then another 4, again with a slight personal reference.
I do totally get why people think it's too slight of a lens. I really do.
On the other hand, he's doing what he stated in his intro. He's sharing what he's reading this summer. For many of his fans, I'm not sure he HAS to say more than he did. (shrug) So from a writing standpoint, it's not what I would do but it's a common enough style of article.
Now where Google is concerned and where more text is wanted and how Google and other search engines would interpret that page may be another issue. I don't know if it meets the Squidoo requirements in the intro module for wordcount.
On the personal opinion side, maybe he doesn't need to say more than he did.
So I guess I have mixed feelings about it. Would I like to see more. I think so. At least more in the opening and maybe a close. Wouldn't hurt to have a guestbook at the end. :) That would probably be the most minimal I, personally, could go. :)
Is he in line with Squidoo's recent policies? Well, that's a different question. If he's out of sync, his lens has to be treated the same way mine would. I'm just sayin'.
Is it worth it to me to get all jacked up about? Honestly, no. I tend to worry about my own garden and make sure my work meets my standards first, Squidoo's second.
Would his lens cause me to do one like his? Probably not. Simply because I'm too verbose.
Does it make me wonder about things over there? Yeah, if you couple it with the movie lens the other day it does beg the question of whether the higher ups are all on the same page with what is needed to keep Squidoo a strong site.
Is it impacting me? Only to the extent that it shores up my own plan to continue to diversify while building my own sites and making them my main interest with everything else supporting them.
But I will say that if I had spent years there and invested a HUGE amount of time and effort into the place, i'd probably be more upset--maybe. I don't know. I try very, very hard not to get too emotionally invested in anything online because of what I've seen in the past. Things change. People change, Sites grow, expand, contract and sometimes disappear. The work never completely disappears but the reason and intention for it may. If there is one place where diversification is a necessity, I'd say it's online.
I never, ever write anything online for any site, even my own, that will cause me to get really upset if it is copied, stolen, or even lost. The Internet is rife with pirates, thieves and crooks. If I have something to write that I truly want protected, I choose a different medium. You can't totally protect anything you do online. That doesn't mean I won't go after anyone who does it. It just means I try very hard to keep the lines strong and not get myself into a place where I will be upset if it all falls away. Life is too short. Stress is too harmful.
But then, I spent a year of my life writing a book to meet a contract, have it go through the entire edit process, be told it was in production only to have it pulled, reinstated, and basically orphaned and never published by a main publisher. Now, that did get me a bit riled. :) But there's nothing you can do when it all abides by the contract. Writing, and that's what Squidoo and Wizzley are to me, is a difficult roller-coaster way to make a living. It can be done but it can be painful and argumentative and unfair and, above all, totally frustrating.
If Seth Godin wants to write a thin lens, then so be it. If the Squid HQ can't get their people operating on the same page, then that's the way it is. You have to decide if you want to play in that playground or pull up stakes and, maybe for some, start over again. Otherwise, do what you can to make it work for you and cultivate new gardens. But I would say don't let yourself get so upset it makes you sick, bitter, and ill. It's just not worth it.