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Traffic is UP!

Posts: 125
on 07/02/2011

A new site is always going to have trouble ranking, compared to sites like Squidoo and Hubpages that have gained Google 'trust'. However, that has not stopped my account from getting traffic. I've been here for less than a month, yet I have had 140 visitors a day on my pages for the past few days. That's on 20 pages. (I've also had two sales on Amazon making a whopping $1.56)

Over half that traffic is from outside Wizzley. When I started all the traffic was from within Wizzley. 

33% of my traffic is already coming from Google. 

This is definitely moving in the right direction and at a pace beyond what I expected from such a new site. I think those quality standards are definitely working :) Of course people using their Squidoo and Hubpages skills also helps, just like all of us building links to the site helps. 

Still - great work Wizzley!

I'm Spirituality aka Katinka Hesselink. Glimpses into my online marketing story :Marketing Spiritual - online marketing with integrity
Posts: 699
on 07/02/2011

I agree. I'm starting to see outside traffic regularly. Happily some is from my newer pages. It's great to have so many experienced Squids and Hubbers (or both) here. It's a very professional environment.

Posts: 36
on 07/02/2011

My google traffic percentage is slowly but surely increasing here when I look at the statistics. Si it is a good sign. With the amazon income gone for me though, I need to focus more on google adsense revenue and other affiliates.

Posts: 70
on 07/02/2011

Yes, I agree it is just a mater of time, for my posts in general les then 1/3 is coming from wizzleyy, but 1/3 from  Google-Bing-Blogs, and 1/3 from Europe, which is amazing.

For one month I think is great....

Catch in time the big wave of Web 3.0 and change your life forever: Michey's Blog Mobile Profit
Posts: 200
on 07/02/2011

A little over half of my traffic is from Wizzley, a little over 20% from Google, and the rest from various places, including Facebook,, Bing, one of my blogs, etc.   I figure that's not too bad :)

Posts: 120
on 07/03/2011

I agree Katinka! I am very impressed with Wizzley and apparently so is Google. As of today, 47% of my traffic is from Google and 20% Wizzley. The rest is other sources. I am very pleased! 

Lovin' Wizzley! Come see my newest Wizz at Patio Decorating Ideas | Color Schemes.
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