on 07/23/2014
I signed up to Chitika and I am very confused. It took me to an ads page where I can get codes but thats pretty much the only thing I can do there. When I click on the Home button, it just takes me back to the ads. I don't know what my Chikita ID is nor where to find it. My biggest concern was that I saw something about it needing tax information before it will give you money..is that true?
I feel totally out of my element trying to set up affiliate ID's so any help would be super super appreciated! Thanks in advance!
on 07/23/2014
Hi Kaitlyn,
I'm not an expert, so maybe someone else can step in to help. When I signed up for Chitika, I entered my sign-up name in my Wizzley settings, where it says "Chitika Username." I made the mistake of first putting it in the Chitika Channel section, where it doesn't register.
Don't worry about the ad code generator. You'd only use that if you had your own site or blog. It's all taken care of for you here.
on 07/23/2014
ooh..so its just your username? its not like (username).chitika or anything like that? For example, if your username on chitika is RedRose you'd simply put RedRose into your settings where it asks for chitika username?
on 07/23/2014
Hi Kaitlyn, yes, it's just your username. Once you put that into the right spot in the settings, it should start to work.
on 07/23/2014
Okay. Thank you for all of your help. I'm so lost with these affiliate things.
on 07/23/2014
No problem. There is a learning curve in the beginning.