on 10/30/2012
It works! :)
First massive paycheck from Viglink... I mean where am I going to spend all this money? hehe... although I lost my dollar because I put the wrong paypal address in viglink when I signed up :( (*fixed!)... its still exciting to get paid...
Posts: 379
on 10/30/2012
Congrats, Jerrico. You're almost a millionaire! Seriously though, it's great when you've made your first sale (not that I'd know ) I really need to suss this vigilink thing out, I've signed up but need to devote some time into reading how it works. Well done, I'm pleased for you.
on 10/30/2012
Congrats, It is good to get paid, BTW, like the new avatar.
Katie McMurray
on 10/30/2012
I believe that's about 5/16th's worth of a standard coffee? Guess it depends what country / state one lives in.
on 10/30/2012
Actually our 7-11 (go figure) makes a hell of a cup of gormet coffee for 1.00 (if you bring in your own cup or the last cup you had)... White mocha/ and a bunch of creamers to make up your own flavor (pumpkin spice and vanilla is good)....
on 10/30/2012
Hey, that'll buy you lunch where I live.
SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
on 10/30/2012
Congratulations Jerrico! You deserve it.
Brenda Reeves
on 10/30/2012
Congratulations, Jerrico!
That's $1.09 more than I have earned.
I hope one day I can also post a message like this in the forum.
on 10/31/2012
I live in Australia and I make my usual coffee's at home - I have the proper machine to make Cappuccino style coffee, with soy milk in place of cow's milk ( I can't digest straight cows milk ).
My question Jerrico is what the heck are creamers and why don't the folks in the US use REAL moo jooce? Maybe it needs a Wizz?
on 10/31/2012
on 10/31/2012
seriously you don't what a creamer is? It's likely fake milk with a flavor (what we are after with creamers) that changes the taste of the coffee some are caramel cream, white mocha, mocha, chocolate and so on... the coffee by itself is delicious but adding creamers helps keep it a "new" taste- we do use real moo here, milk is a natural thing to add to coffee, and I add it too but milk can make you tired from the tryptophan in it so I prefer creamer (likely for completely different reasons than everyone else), because it doesn't add tryptophan to the mix- (see my article called "why does milk make me tired")....
I only truly drink coffee for the taste, at this point caffeine does me no good- and I often drink Brain ToniQ or "nerd" energy drink (because it has smart drugs/nutraceuticals in it not the useless ingredients in most energy drinks)... Brain toniQ has no caffeine- it's 100% smart drugs.... and powerful (and 100% good for you)... if I want energy I'll take some Brain ToniQ if I want more (i.e. a caffeinated high) I'll take nerd because it's the only real "think drink" in the energy drink arena....
p.s. two articles coming are "Nerd Energy drink" and the history of smart drugs and energy drinks, and one on Brain Toniq both I've tested extensively- I find BT helps me with writing (likely the choline and DMAE in it)... and for actual physical energy the Nerd does the trick
on 10/31/2012
Woot! Go Jerrico!
We have greasy cafes here which would serve you a round of coffees for that!
on 10/31/2012
For me at this stage, the 1.00 isn't much, sure, but what does that 1.00 buy me before I spend it at all?
1. Inspiration- I can brag in a forum and other writers SEE it's possible, see a current earning (important for many to keep seeing it- it's like an ad, eventually they will envision themselves "winning" a sale. It also barters hope for smiles- When I read that someone made a ton of money I get jealous- it's human- but not in a bad way- in a way that feels competitive and fun...
Even chump change earnings inspire people and in many cases people are inspired to share their successes as well- this BUYS happiness for many, inspiration for most, and "proof of life" for the earnings programs we use.
a bit off topic but funny... speaking of earnings and motivation...
I had this funny idea last night. I thought what if I had a special built machine that looked and acted like a slot machine but was activated by software on my PC (via usb)?
When I wrote an article for an article mill, for example, and hit submit (and you get paid, well paid on the screen) this would trigger software to activate the machine. The machine would then kick down a gold dollar for every dollar earned in that mill- so if I make 4.00 for writing an article, as soon as the money hits the talley, the machine kicks down 4 gold dollar coins like a slot machine (could even have the thing activate into a spin and 3 7's show up or something....
The idea is "Feeling" instant gratification even though you don't actually get paid there (you'd stock the machine with money you have a goal to earn so when that last coin drops you hit your goal (and the thing could do something cool like dance lol)...