on 04/24/2013
I have a question about Amazon. I've only gotten a handful of clicks on Amazon, but they're not showing on my amazon associates account.
On hubpages it shows all of my clicks through amazon. Does wizzley do something different, or have I done something wrong? My amazon ID is in my settings properly.
on 04/24/2013
I don't understand the question. How do you know you've gotten clicks, if they don't show on your assoc. account?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 04/24/2013
When I go to my module clicks on wizzley, it says I've had a few clicks, but when I check amazon they aren't there. Maybe I'm making this harder than it is lol
on 04/24/2013
Don't worry about it, Abby. Our system works (we would lose money if it wouldn't), but these things are not always 100% synchronized. Simon has a more technical explanation for this. I care only about my bottom line in my Amazon account.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 04/24/2013
Okay. I was just wanting to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong setting up things on my end
on 10/16/2014
I have a similar problem - as I've written you recently. when I signed up for Wizzley a few months ago, I also signed up for Amazon Associates. Part of the AA agreement is that members generate clicks revenue within 180 days or the membership is canceled. That's hard to do but I thought I was making some progress. However, recently Amazon informed me that nothing has been registering on their site. I sent them a sample of one of my articles and when they checked it out they forwarded the following reply: "I have reviewed the Associates link on the web page, http://wizzley.com/happy-wife-happy-life-is-it-true/, and I have found that the link is not formatted correctly. Therefore, we are unable to track any activity and sales placed via this link." I told them I'm not the one that formats the links, wizzley does, right?
I am really confused as to what is going on and what I need do to correct it. Please help.
Norm Schneider
on 10/30/2014
Will Wizzley Admin ever chime in and answer these questions?
Norm Schneider
on 10/30/2014
Hi Norm,
your Amazon Partner ID is in the right place, and you've been getting clicks on your ads. Any discrepancies between what your Wizzley stats show and what's shown in your Amazon account are beyond our control.
Nobody else has reported any losses in their Amazon earnings due to formatting issues. So it appears that everything's working correctly from our side. Sorry I can't be of any help in that matter.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 11/03/2014
Thanks for the reply. It remains very confusing that Amazon is saying something quite different. Moreover, there remains the problem that Amazon threatens to cancel accounts that don't show productivity/sales within 180 days of opening the Amazon seller account, which is a VERY high bar to achieve on Wizzley (and I suspect other sites). It seems to make Amazon a less than friendly affiliate to use.
Norm Schneider
on 11/03/2014
WritingCowboy, I think there has been a problem with excess internal clicks, caused by bots, which has been fixed. But I do believe Amazon is working here. It takes a lot of visitors to see any clicks, and then only about 1 to 2 percent of these clickers may actually purchase anything.
One way to generate Amazon sales is to start a blog on a specific niche, and feature related Amazon products. It's a good idea to have your own sites anyway, in addition to revenue share. The advantage of revenue share sites is increased traffic and visibility, as well as the ability to write on a wide range of topics. A blog today must be very narrowly focused to succeed.
If you start a blog, make sure you pin it and promote it. You should see an affiliate sale at some point.