Hi Brenda,
If your using a crowdsourcing site like, Squidoo, HubPages, Wizzley, Inforbarrel and similar sites. It is usually as easy as applying the appropriate module or widget (for eBay, Amazon, Vidlink, Zazzle, etc) into your article with the related 'product' and most often Google Adsense is as easy as putting your USERID into the appropriate section of your user based account on that site.
On your own sites, its a little trickier as you will most often have to put in your affiliate code with your affiliation ID into your webpage you want to display an 'ad' or link for commission on.
Please also bear in mind there are never, ever any dumb questions. Please don't ever feel you are naive for not knowing something. You will quickly discover, especially a site like here, where there are experts in one field, they also will not be aware or skilled in other areas.
This is why I like forums and collaboration. Anyone can ask a question and get an answer.
But that answer may put you on a path of self discovery