Are image links affiliated as well. I am guessing yes, but would still like an official confirmation.
Help me, please!
Are Image links monetized by Viglink? | |
Posts: 149
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on 03/13/2012
Posts: 979
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on 03/13/2012
hmmm interesting, a link is a link is a link is it not? Katie McMurray
Posts: 149
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on 03/13/2012
katiem2: 13. Mar 2012, 15:52 You are right and I am kinda sure that image links would be monetized as well but Terri recently reported that Ebay modules were only showing clicks not revenue so I just wanted to make sure that this is not the case with image module. |
Posts: 979
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on 03/13/2012
Ewww good to know Katie McMurray
Posts: 3100
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on 03/13/2012
You are correct - link is link. We're working on that ebay issue. It will be resolved soon. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -