Why do I have a big space between my introduction paragraph module and the next module. I didn't put it there. How do I get rid of it?
Big Space Between Paragraphs | |
Posts: 847
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on 03/30/2012
Why do I have a big space between my introduction paragraph module and the next module. I didn't put it there. How do I get rid of it?
Brenda Reeves
Posts: 3100
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on 03/30/2012
Link, please. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 149
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on 03/30/2012
You would have to write a long intro (Around 150-180 words) for it to gt nicely wrapped around the ads. If the intro is short, you will get a blank space as the ad will use the fixed space. For example, check this article of mine http://wizzley.com/best-mothers-day-gifts/ (With short intro, so you can see a blank space between introductory and the next module) and check this article http://wizzley.com/what-are-qualities-of-an-entrepreneur-10-best-entrepreneurial-qualities/ (With long intro, the text is nicely wrapped around the ads and you don't see a bank space between modules.
I hope I have correctly guessed your problem and that the above helps. If not, then I seriously apologize. |
Posts: 847
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on 03/30/2012
Thank you Natasha. Brenda Reeves
Posts: 1210
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on 04/01/2012
Actually, from my experience there is always a space/gap between modules (only showing in page view mode or published mode). In HP they slammed everythign together but added a page break at the end of the text capsule automatically, but you could remove it and the capsules/mods would slam together (with a normal space between paragraphs between capsules/modules). I always left it in at the end of text capsules to keep the word blocks free from looking too close to each other. Here, however the gap gets in my way a lot when I want to format my text modules around, for example, an AllPosters image/ad or any other module I want to flush in under the title and content (second text module) because I hate when my titles, often that span across the screen nicely) are scrunched into 4 lines inside the text capsule when I add an image next to it. Is there any way to remove the requirement that there be a space/big gap after one module and before the next? It's like a double page break in size which looks fine normally but when your formatting to make images flush like a magazine with the title towering over it but the text next to it, it makes for a funny looking "gap" in the matrix. I like to have the space there but manually so when I need to create a text module that's merely a title holder, and a text module that's holding only the text (and in the right side under the title (umbrella's by the title on top) and beside the text... it's a cleaner look this way and I can't use the All Poster images inside a text capsule (or I'd simply do that)... I'd say about 80% of my article images are all posters adds (they make stunning images for your article and are name brand- score). Removing the Auto gap between modules is the best fix... could even have a check box To be.. or not to be a gap... that is the question. I don't mind it auto populating a space in the text capsule after the last words, but I'd like the opportunity to remove it when I need to for the aforementioned formatting reasons. Even if your introduction (top most) is well wrapped around the adsense ad the gap between that and the next module still exists, and is unsightly when you want to flush your copy to the adsense ad, I find it looks good to do this then have the first text module there with a title that creates a cleaner effect (my opinion)
looks like this: AdsenseAdsenseAdsense ContentContentContentContentContentContentContent AdsenseAdsenseAdsense ContentContentContentContentContentContentContent AdsenseAdsenseAdsense ContentContentContentContentContentContentContent (space) TITLE OF FIRST CAPSULE ContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContent ContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContentContent
or AdsenseAdsenseAdsense ContentContentContentContentContentContentContent ContentContentContentContentContentContentContent ntentContentContentContent ContentContentContentContentContentContentContentntentContentContentContent GAP First capsule (I'd make it required (gap) in the intro section (not a text module) and optional in the text module) Any chance of "bridging the gap" and letting us add the space at the end of the module instead? if we need a space between images etc... we could always use the space module :) HP does this by adding it automatically to the text capsule at the end, and things flush with about a 20 px. space... but allows us to edit it out (remove the space from text modules only) in if you remove all spaces at the end (currently in our text module) the gap still shows up (and not in edit mode, but only visible in published or page view mode. ( I hear chef's voice in my head, "This isn't hubpages man!" and my response is that was just an example of one way to do it) :) Jerrico |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/01/2012
"This isn't hubpages man!" No, seriously, in 11 months, no author has ever complained about this. Let's see if someone else is bothered by spaces before we change things around, okay? Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 1210
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on 04/01/2012
ok, but so far it's me and the original poster here that complained :)
Posts: 3100
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on 04/01/2012
Not really, J. Brenda wondered about the space within or after the intro module, and Natasha answered accordingly. But no worry...I'll bring it up in our developer conference. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 1210
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on 04/01/2012
:) thanks Chef (whatever the decision I'm still happy with everything this is the biggest brightest most functional "paint set" I've ever played in)! I go to bed at nigh (ok who am I kidding, in the morning) with all these module paints on my clothing :) |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/01/2012
I guess when we tried to make Wizzley "pain-free", we forgot to include a "paint-free" version as well. Shows again that there's always room for improvements. On our (5 miles) long to-do list with it! Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 1210
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on 04/01/2012
You guys are doing an amazing job- the tools are actually creativity inspiring- I wrote an entire wizz about how this site (and to a lesser degree SQ) have figured out that giving an artist plenty of paintbrushes is what makes them "want" to paint a complex and amazing painting- so to speak- I also mention how Hubpages reminds me of the newspaper- black and white with a few ads (ads, images, etc the author ads) on Sunday- Wizzley feels more like a professional magazine with all the right editorial and formatting tools you could need - at HP when I'd think about a suggestion for a new tool/fix I'd think, "why isn't that already in there, why can't you move an image to the left?" but here when I suggest a feature or fix I feel a bit guilty- like I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth... You've broken all the records in the tools area, thought of everything really- the all posters and pixabay- images issue resolved- why would anyone use stolen images when there are legal ones in two formats available that are stunning in the article? My stuff looks far better here than there. I'm still blown away at the toolbox- nothing like it anywhere else and the format here blows SQ and HP (and IB) away... I went in to HP to edit one of my hubs before moving it over (I can still get in there and do that just can't publish) and I had built 3 articles here already, one from scratch (rapport one), and I felt cumbersome, like a demotion in tools over there (I noticed they are adding new stuff in layout options, one being a recipe "capsule"... I think they are getting real nervous over there... Wizzley is setting a new standard in quality and capabilities- like MacDonald's, I'm Lovin it!
Jerrico |