Hello fellow writers! I do not have a website or a blog right now but I want to have a google adsense account ASAP. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
Help me, please!
Can I apply for google adsense using Wizzley? | |
Posts: 2
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on 08/13/2012
Posts: 1088
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on 08/13/2012
On the help page you can read about having Adsense on Wizzley. |
Posts: 2
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on 08/13/2012
Thank you very much Dustytoes! |
Posts: 31
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on 11/23/2015
Actually, this advise post is exactly what I did. Adsense doesn't allow you to sign up without a website. So how the heck do you create an adsense account for wizzley when google won't allow it??? |