on 12/19/2011
This time it's not YouTube giving me issues. I have modules that are floating up and overlapping other ones.
In Chrome, this is what I'm seeing:
I marked the offending module in orange. I've played with it and sometimes it's the poll module that floats up. I've tried adding spaces to hold things in place. But they keep rising up. Help.
They are fine in edit mode, but in view page mode, they look weird. (You know I'm a Chrome user.)
The floating image module is supposed to be on the left alongside the Amazon, text and poll at the bottom.
on 12/20/2011
Darn it. It looks just fine in Firefox, though. I wrote Simon a note. Maybe it's a glitch because of our new mobile set-up. But I'm just guessing. Let's wait for Simon on that.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 12/20/2011
Okay, that's good news about its looking fine in Firefox. Chrome is being bad lately.
on 12/20/2011
This is probably the same issue - on my page http://wizzley.com/sterling-silver-snowflake-earrings/ I arranged the text modules on the left, and the Amazon modules on the right. It looks fine using Firefox, but in Chrome, some of the text modules have drifted over to the right, pushing down the Amazon modules.
I haven't checked my other pages yet.
It looks fine in "edit" on Chrome, but not in "page view".
on 12/20/2011
This is not a good problem to have, but I'm glad to know the problem isn't just me.
Posts: 578
on 12/20/2011
Hey, we've just solved the issue. It was caused by some really weird behavior of Chrome. An odd/buggy way of handling floating HTML objects ... Anyway, it works on Wizzley now :)
on 12/20/2011
Simon, you are a superman! Thank you! Going to see your handiwork right now.
Yep, it's fixed. I had to hit Ctrl F5 three times, but finally that errant module got in its place. Horray!
on 12/20/2011
Simon, you are a hero!
Posts: 578
on 12/20/2011
on 12/20/2011
Fantastic :-) You are good, Simon!