on 08/22/2012
I was wondering if there could be a generic Gifts topic added somewhere on the topic lists. Can't find anywhere to categorize my newest article that is still in production. Perhaps more people would write articles on gifts for friends and such if there was a way to conveniently categorize it.
on 08/22/2012
The categories are mainly for Search engines and visitors to find your stuff categorically, but they shouldn't be monetize type catagories i.e. gift sounds like the article was only written to make money... just my opinion
on 08/22/2012
So my nick may be a no-no also?
on 08/22/2012
no the nick name is fine theres so many ways to spin that anyway lol, I'm just talking about catigories... you can always suggest them and if the team thinks it works they will add it so regardless, ask them anyway... the gift section being too product oriented is just my opinion they may have a different take :)
on 08/22/2012
I think any product you are actively trying to sell (not just mentioning in passing) could be considered a "gift" - I could see tons of problems with that category!
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