I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I put Amazon books and stuff on my Wizzles, but all my "click" info is in red. I am having trouble finding images for my articles, and have been using Allposters. I thought it was very cool, because they are not just posters for teenagers. Some are lovely prints of famous artists, and you can order them in all kinds of frames. I'm surely going to be ordering some gifts from there for Christmas. Any advice for me? Thank you. Jean Bakula
Help me, please!
I'm not getting any clicks? | |
Posts: 23
on 07/31/2012
Posts: 477
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on 07/31/2012
Before you worry about getting clicks on your products, you should ask yourself - Are the products related to the article? If I were searching for this topic would I be interested in them? Another factor to consider is - Where is your traffic coming from? Unless a vast chunk is from Search engines you shouldn't expect clicks. Moreover, content takes time to mature so don't worry have patience and everything will pay out eventually. I said this without reading your pages (Got a slow internet connection today :(. But, everything takes time) Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 1210
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on 07/31/2012
Like Brandon said, it takes time to mature. I can't help but share my plant metaphor (I hope you guys don't mind the long post) look at it like a plant (I do), your content is the plant, wizzley the dirt, pages components the nutrients, backlinks and syndication (other sites linking back to your page with high value) the water and sunlight... You "grow" it with patience and meticulous care, like a bonzi tree you trim it to perfection following all the laws of a good article (well written, monetized, watered, fed nutrients (like having interactive things like polls, comments, duels on your page that "draw in" the water by osmosis :) Comments fertilize SEO value on your page, for example, which raises your page value to Google, as does using plenty of text capsules for longer articles with concise and potent titles describing the content. Like any plant growing from a seed it takes time to grow, mature, and become a robust plant capable of creating more plants (spider plant?). The spider plant peices would be likened to the money your page can make, but things like the water and nutrients depend on other people, the readers, liking it enough to post it on twitter, facebook, their site, a comment on a high traffic site, which may end up on the site (in the content if good enough). Typical scenario If someone is Googling "get rid of a pimple" and the top result is a page talking about all things acne, but that links to sites or pages with potent relevant information in various areas of acne, for example. That site owner may want something to fill a space for "getting rid of a pimple overnight" so they find my article on wizzley. They like it and post a link to it on their site, likely with an introduction paragraph and let my article do the heavy lifting with details. That visitor THEIR site pulled in is now being directed to my wizzley page for getting rid of a pimple overnight and the visitor is targeted (more likely to click ads due to their relevance to what he's looking for. The backlink gives you two kinds of traffic. One is organic or someone clicking through to your page from the other page, the other is search engine traffic. Search engine traffic is the stream where we all get most of our water supply (above metaphor) but it's carefully guarded by various pipelines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, thousands of smaller not well known or local search engines). As your page matures and is built right (reading other wizzlers articles will help you figure out the format that rocks the clicks) it will garnish some of the traffic wizzley and Google throw your way (wizzley through internal syndication like others articles that show up beside every article that's published). Wizzley acts like a conductor of traffic in a way as someone may enter one article then leave through the wizzley side bar suggestions (of which one may be your article). This means other people's articles who bring traffic in the same niche as one of yours may actually bring their traffic to your page (and your page could also potentially send them to another wizzley authors page... The site is young though so internal syndication depends on having more authors, more articles to syndicate traffic through (surge through?). This takes time but also your article maturing takes time, all things are happening in the background to some degree, once built and published, it's plugged into the matrix of wizzley articles and even gets the attention of Google just being on the site, the site is an authority site, having a lot of pages with quality content (Google loves this and rewards this with traffic). Until traffic starts to surge, the end result of time, backlink building (natural as in people finding your page on google or where ever and linking people to it), and seasoning (age of your article is also relevant in ranking). If you write a compelling peice, format it beautifully and articulately (plenty of space around words, paragraphs broken into 4-6 lines max, using sub headings, images (which you can find on pixabay.com free), polls, comments, and especially some amazon, ebay, zazzle, and viglink monetization modules/links in place- then you can plant (publish) it and let the sun and dirt take care of the heavy lifting of it's growth for now. You can help it by writing articles elsewhere and posting a link back to your wizzley article from it. The best place for this is ezinearticles.com, articlez.com (article directory). As you can see a lot of things fall into place even after the completion of your article being written and formatted. It needs to post for a bit, let people walking by digitally poke in and look around. A well written article tends to do well on these sites, but it takes time for people to find it (through syndication, Google etc...)... It just takes one person posting it on a high traffic site to turn on a fire hydrant of traffic, and you also get a power back link (google values it highly). My profile page on HubPages got 139,000 backlinks without me promoting anything. The traffic surrounding these type of sites (I'm new to this one by 4 months) is incredible and the networking that happens behind the scenes driving traffic to our articles is insanely cool. You can also water your plants (wizzles) by updating the content as much as possible. Interaction like polls, comments (actually add content to the site and counts as much as content above it), and videos, keep your page fresh, interaction is more like the sunlight that plants use to literally manifest physical matter (plants leaves etc...). Interaction tells Google your page is valuable, people like it. I've seen comment conversations go from 0 to 40 a day or more and page rank flying up because of it, this in turn generated traffic that a certain percentage of it clicked ads. My page on it's own just plugged into the site (HP) 450 words, got the right visitors and backlinks started piling up, traffic started to trickle then surge, and didn't stop- 2500 hits a day (unique visitors/IP's) and hundreds in income with me doing nothing- they say 10 in 100 visitors will likely click an ad- it's a numbers game really. That article made me thousands upon thousands of dollars and I wrote it on a whim didn't even think it would earn a dime, even ignored it for years and the money piled up meantime... you never know. Also maturity happens like people and plants, different rates for different personalities/health- the niche is that, the topic, and if it's something people want to read, need to read, can't read enough :) Clicks generally come in in trickles, the first year is the hardest- the hurry up and build then wait... they eventually come in floods if you work hard during that year and are meticulous with quality, SEO (all learned as you go, any article can be updated- remember that). I'm an experienced marketer, I was on HP for 4 years and earned a great deal of money from it a lone, it took years to really trickle to the pay my rent money but it got there. I've been here 4 months and earned exactly 7.00 but I build (well for me it's move, I have a lot of articles already written) wizzles with intense perfection and like a greenhouse, one day it looks barren but I planted the seeds anyway, a year later (or season) it is fruitful.... I don't know what your experience level is so if I was preaching to the choir there my apologies, but newbies can use this none the less :)... "click" (stick) in there... patience and building without monetary gain right now is the mission- it all comes later and with back pay eventually... just takes time, perseverance, and a hunger to learn all you can to build the perfect cash cow article :)- luckily the forum is a great place to develop the skill set, or grow it. -Jerrico |
Posts: 1210
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on 07/31/2012
p.s. my first clicks came in after 4 months, but they are trickling like a faucet that's dripping faster and faster... give it time use this time to build the greenhouse...(pun? green, money) |
Posts: 1210
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on 07/31/2012
duplicate post... man everything I click is double opening/posting... (only on wizzley) |
Posts: 1210
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on 07/31/2012
2uesday, remember that when a wizzle is new it's generally going to be red for a long time- even if it's absolutely perfect- until traffic comes in. Some niches sprout 3 times a year (making a lot of money) then are closed the rest of the time (don't get traffic or nuthin)... some are late bloomers others early risers... The reality, however is that most topics will eventually pick up to some degree, others more than some, others less than some, but overall it's not a good idea to count your chicks before the page matures (they hatch). Also realize as Wizzley gets bigger and more powerful in serps overall (based on their and our efforts), some pages that may lay dormant all year may one day just perk up because the right person enters the site from other pages or backlinks built up over time... It's nice to see green right away but I don't ever count on that data in the infant stages of my articles life... I see it like a person or plant, it has to grow, mature, evolve (evolution is backlinks, value, aging, trends hitting that makes your article more relevant etc...)... sure some baby's on AFV (america's funniest videos) show babies who can lift weights, do amazing stunts, or talk incredibly well at an early stage/age... but that's not the majority, nor are articles that just take off. That's not to say tweaking and testing things to see if your articles can perform better or doing offsite SEO (article marketing, bookmarking, twitter, fb etc...) to speed it up isn't a bad idea, but even then it could take time... of my 75 wizzles, only 10, maybe are going green at all... but some are coming out of the wood work now and starting to show green... there's too many variables to really keep up with it, not enough intel yet, and time is a virtue in this IM world. Jerrico |
Posts: 477
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on 07/31/2012
Jean I guess Jerrico has explained it all. Are you new to writing online? I'm relatively new Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 23
on 08/01/2012
Thanks, everyone, Especially Jerrico! I love gardening so your explanation worked well. It seems that the clicks are not really so important then. I just saw the sea of red writing and thought I was doing something wrong. I do write on other sites, and have a blog, so although I am not really new to online writing, each site is different in its own way. So what I got from it all is that I should keep writing good content, and be patient. Thank you all. |
Posts: 1210
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on 08/01/2012
yep Jean, you got it- write well write often and give it time to mature... plan the seed (start new article), germinate the seed (modules, content, monetization), then plant it, water it, let it grow, when you start seeing flowers budding around the plan (traffic, comments, clicks) then things will start to fall in place. Not every wizzle will be a success, some may never go anywhere regardless of quality, topic, or maturity- but some tend to stay down and burst at some point, it's not the whole lot of them you want to all be a success... only 10% of your wizzles once you get them in 100+ numbers, will likely ever be super successful but that's all it takes to generate a few grand a month... In stage one your only mission, your motivational pull, should come from doing a good job building, formatting, monetizing, and learning about the game (internet marketing) so you can continue to taper your skill set up. The real currency you get at first is education- just like college, you go, pay your dues, and work hard with no weekly paycheck to show for your hard work- but if you work hard in the "college" of internet marketing (your here), then those skill sets will earn you money forever... The money comes but if you want it to come in buckets and stay steady, you have to be sharp, that takes time, experience, time, time, time, and especially- dare I say it, failing failing failing- failing is 50% of the work, it doesn't mean you failed per say but that you now know a way or more that doesn't work. Often in analyzing failure you can easily extract lessons, and often even see how doing it a different way would be better (because now you have a failure to contrast against to see two ways instead of one. I hope that makes sense. Jerrico |
Posts: 23
on 08/02/2012
Hi Jerrico, Yes, it makes perfect sense. I see that some of my work can sit for a year before it gets comments, in fact, it's the norm. It takes time for certain pieces to be "discovered." But when they do, other people read them too, and it snowballs. I don't like to delete a piece, but if it has been sitting for a year and only has a few views, I put it somewhere else and give it a try with a different crowd. I write mostly about metaphysical topics, and find they don't do well on Wizzley at all. So I write here when I get ideas that seem like they would work. It's a nice crowd. Thanks for the help! |