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Is the Word Count working correctly?

on 06/03/2011


I am wondering if the word count is working correctly.  I tried to publish a page and it said I had only 163 words out of 400 needed.  The page has only 4 zazzle items and no other sales items.  I thought it seemed off, so I copied only the text portion of the the intro module into my word counter and it said their were 196 words.   Plus there are several other modules with text on the page. 

Any suggestions?



~ Pukeko Also sharing the world at Albom Adventures
Posts: 87
on 06/03/2011

Isnt there a 400 word min even without products on it? I'll check the word count too on the next page I make and use my word counter to see if I get the same results. Will let you know if it happens to me too.

on 06/03/2011

Yep, there is a 400 min count, but I didn't put the entire page in the word counter, only the text from the first module.  And my word counter gave a higher number of words for just the one module than Wizzley did for the entire page. 

But it is ok now.  I added a paragraph and it published fine.  However, I still think there might be a problem with the word counter.

~ Pukeko Also sharing the world at Albom Adventures
Posts: 3100
on 06/03/2011

Simon and Hans will have to check on the correctness of our word counter tool.

To clarify: we ask for 400 words of original text, and that allows for 8 ads (Amazon, etc.). If you want to display more ads, you will have to write 50 additional words of original text, wherever you see fit within your article, i.e. next to your ads, in your intro, as a summary, etc.

It's all about the proper balance of ads and unique text. Google pays attention to this.

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 106
on 06/03/2011

We are just counting all words from the textmodules (without title and subtitle). Not yet checked if our algorithm is buggy, but when I published my last page everything was correct.

My Tip: Public domain images on :-)
on 06/04/2011

Thanks :)

~ Pukeko Also sharing the world at Albom Adventures
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