on 09/13/2013
I am very excited to see all the module clicks on my account here, but it's not as exciting when I log into my Amazon account and see no conversions. I can't help but wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
My clicks and sales have picked up on Hub Pages, so things are working for me there. Does it just take time here.
Maybe Jo can help.
Thanks to whomever can help.
on 09/13/2013
I have noticed fewer sales here and elsewhere for me lately. Maybe it's the time of year. Jo's recent success probably has to do with her special niche.
Don't lose heart -- Christmas time will soon be upon us and you may make a few sales.
on 09/13/2013
That's what I 'm hoping SheilaMarie. But I get steady sales on Hub Pages, so this is a mystery. Thank you for the encouragement though.
on 09/13/2013
I went through months where there were clicks and no conversions. People said to hang on, it'll happen. Then I went through months where there were clicks and itsy bitsy conversions, which gradually grew. These days there are dollar signs and it's getting better all the time.
I wouldn't say that I have a niche particularly. The articles that I'm earning on cover a variety of topics. The biggie seems to be age. I'm getting decent earnings on Wizzles that I was writing in early 2012 mostly, with some notable exceptions.
Really don't lose heart. I reckon it's sheer stamina which has started mine rolling.
on 09/13/2013
Hi Jo,
Thank you for these words of encouragement. I'm happy for the clicks. Eventually something will happen. It did take a while for anything to happen on Hub Pages too.
It is encouraging to see you starting to earn a lot.
on 09/13/2013
And you certainly do have stamina.
on 09/14/2013
Ageing factor is the secret. I have seen clicks that convert into sales from my old pages that are more than 1 year old. I have discovered Wizzley quite late, so like everyone else I need to wait and be patient.
on 09/14/2013
From my experience at hubpages i have seen it takes months before we start to see any conversion, for first few months i didn't see even a single sale and after that for 3-4 months i saw there were conversion but for the complete august i had not seen a single sale even. I hope with christmas things becomes better.
on 09/14/2013
I guess I just need to be patient. I'll let everyone know when it finally happens. :)