on 10/11/2014
My first check from Amazon and I am pretty excited, perhaps because of my rather slow writing pace - it took almost 1 and half year and about 150 Wizzley articles.
I am so inspired, I am going to give more time to Wizzley. It is going to be in my new year resolution.
Thank you Wizzley.
on 10/11/2014
on 10/11/2014
That's great WriterArtist, congratuatiohs!
on 10/11/2014
That's wonderful. Feels like it's a million bucks right? I love getting paid!
on 10/12/2014
Yep - I wanted to share so that it motivates other writers as well.
on 10/12/2014
Making money never gets old. Congrats and glad your sticking around. Thank you for sharing your success. I think it really does motivate others
on 10/12/2014
on 10/12/2014
So pleased for you. Somehow, getting paid for work defines one more and makes one feel more valued.
You have inspired me to try again. For some reason Amazon turned me down when i first applied. Perhaps this was because my subjects didn't lend themselves to selling their products? However, since then I have included references to books that could be purchased from the site (hopefully without interfering with the text) and perhaps i might have more luck this time.
on 10/12/2014
That's fantastic! Very inspiring to others like me. I've only been here since June and I often wonder if my work is the slightest bit good. It took you a while but you finally made some money. I shall keep at it as well.
on 10/12/2014
Fantastic news for you, WriterArtist! I bet payday will come faster the second time around! Keep on doing what you're doing.
on 10/13/2014
I think it depends upon the niche you are writing about. If you write product reviews it fares well and gets you more traffic. I believe Joe is successful with sheer volumes . She has written a lot - around 600+ articles.
on 10/13/2014
congrats writerartist! It's great day when it's payday! Here's to many more, and not too far in the future either 😊