Yesterday I started writing the second of my wordpress tutorials. I took a screen shot of a page, and although it showed up on my rough draft, it disappeared when I saved the post. Any idea why this happened? Do screen shots work on wizzley?
Help me, please!
Posting Screen Shots | |
Posts: 847
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on 04/05/2013
Brenda Reeves
Posts: 478
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on 04/05/2013
Did you save the screenshot as an image and then uploaded it as you would a regular image? |
Posts: 3100
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on 04/05/2013
Screen shots get sometimes saved as TIFF files, which don't work in Wizzley. Open your screen shot file and re-save it as JPEG. Then place it into your article just like any other picture. Although - IF it showed up in your draft, it should also show in your published page. I dunno, maybe there's something else wrong. If you place it in your draft and then send me the link to your article, I can have a look. Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 847
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on 04/05/2013
Thanks Chef. I'll give it another try, first. Brenda Reeves
Posts: 256
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on 04/05/2013
Alternatively, host it on and then use the URL to insert the image. |
Posts: 847
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on 04/05/2013
Thanks Paul. I didn't know about that. Brenda Reeves