Where do you live? Westerville Ohio
How many people live in your household? 3
How much is your monthly / yearly water bill for how many gallons / liters / whatever your measurement is?
Monthy Water Billing
Sewer First 2 CCF - 2.00 units = $16.98
Sewer Over 2 CCF - 17.00 units = $ 87.55 Balance = $ 104.45
Water First 2 CCF - 2.00 units = $4.90
Water Next 1 CCF - 1.00 units = $2.21
Water Next 12 CCF - 12.00 units = $12.00
Water Next 85 CCF - 4.00 units = $4.00 Balance = $ 42.47 Total Monthly Billing = $ 146.92
The sewage fees is what gets us here where I live. Gotta pay for the infrastructure delivering and receiving it all. It is so high because it factors in the out doors usage, say as in landscape watering systems, pool and hot tub maintenance and filling, was a hot summer
I use a lot of water I guess, try to be conservative...