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Well, how long does it take before you start making money?

Posts: 10
on 02/22/2012

I know I haven't really put in a huge amount of work on Wizzley yet, but I was just wondering about how many pages do you have to make, before you start noticing a return. I only have 9 so far, and have made $.01

I have read how many people are doing well on Wizzley, but was just wondering if there is a certain number where you start to notice it taking off.



Posts: 76
on 02/22/2012

You can make money with your first page or never. Its partly a numbers game, but its far more to do with if you understand how to pick your keywords and how to rank your pages in the search results. 

Check out my blog at Passive Income Online
Posts: 699
on 02/22/2012

I agree it's not about quantity, it's about quality. By quality I mean knowing how to pick topics (keyword research, market research etc), write compelling copy, and close the sale. Your first Wizzle can make money in a matter of hours if done correctly.

Posts: 10
on 02/22/2012

Well, thank you very much for your input. It is very much appreciated. I suppose I will do a few more, and see how it goes. At some point, I have to see a return on my time investment, or I will invest the time elsewhere.  

I really do appreciate you taking the time to help. Thanks again. .

Posts: 76
on 02/22/2012

Wizzley has some of the best  ROI I've seen online for a very long time 

Check out my blog at Passive Income Online
Posts: 699
on 02/22/2012

Lissie, I totally agree.

Posts: 300
on 02/22/2012


pawpaw: 22. Feb 2012, 15:14

 I suppose I will do a few more, and see how it goes. At some point, I have to see a return on my time investment, or I will invest the time elsewhere.  


Be sure not to quit to soon or you may miss out on a wonderful opportunity.   On another platform I write on, I was only making about $40 month my sixth month.  Sure that is not a lot of money, but I kept going because I saw the potential.  Now, on that same platform I make a few thousand a month.   There are many people that start on writing platforms, but quit to early.  Don't be one of those people!  Hang in there. :) 

Posts: 232
on 02/22/2012

Janet is right about not giving up too soon and that's why so many people who try online writing to earn money never really earn anything at all.

It took me several months and at least 50 pages on Squidoo before I started to make money. It took a long time because I didn't know what I was doing when I started and I had to discover what worked for me to make sales. There were many times I felt like quitting but if I had then I would be totally missing out now.

When I started on Wizzley, I started earning much earlier on because I had a better idea of what worked for me. Even so it works a little differently on Wizzley for me.

If you give up too soon, you won't acquire the experience you need to see what methods work for you in making sales and / or money from adsense. I don't see how trying another platform would be any more beneficial either because you won't have gained much in experience here to help.

Posts: 769
on 02/23/2012

I wrote a Wizzley article on this very subject.

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 205
on 02/23/2012

Its simple maths,


Output X Patience X Backlinking

_________________________   = n/1

Research X Quality X Time


Where n = commissions

If the answer is greater than 1, then more money (commissions)

if the answer is less than 1, then less money

Multiply more in the above equation, so do more.


Well, that's MY Theory Laughing

Posts: 10
on 02/23/2012

Thanks to everyone for responding. I really do appreciate it when people I don't even know, take the time to help. My traffic does seem to be on an upward trajectory, so I suppose in time, I might see some results. 

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