on 05/03/2012
A BIT of weird science here... just sharing a strange encounter
When I post a link to my most recent article http://wizzley.com/get-your-copy-of-edvard-munch-s-painting-the-scream/ in facebook it pulls up another article written by another author who also writes on art...
I've re-copied it several times but it still comes up the same. Strange...
Katie McMurray
on 05/03/2012
Isn't this our known facebook bug, where you have to wait a day or two before posting a new article? Try again tomorrow and let us know if the bug persists.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/03/2012
Thanks Chef, I thought there must be some weirdo meaning behind this. I'll file that away. I normally don't post soon, but am in an art group and wanted to share it right away. Thanks for the heads up!
I'll let you know tomorrow
Katie McMurray
on 05/09/2012
We'll address it again in our team conference tomorrow, just to make sure there's no bug from our side.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/10/2012
Simon sez he's working some more on this issue. In fact, he just changed something (don't ask me what, I don't understand that stuff), and he hopes that it works.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/11/2012
New Wizzles can be posted straight to Facebook now. Happy days!
However those written while the glitch was on get the same error as before. I'm not fretting about it, as you just wait a couple or three days on those and they go through. By the end of the weekend, I think we'll be all good and caught up with FB links.
Thanks for fixing it, Simon!
on 05/11/2012
I'm not sure if this helps in this case: empty browser cache and restart the browser. It may remove any cached "glitches" on older pages.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 578
on 05/15/2012
I still don't have a clue what the problem might be. The words "Page gone" don't even exist any more inside our code and still, they show up in some Facebook Likes.
Posts: 578
on 05/15/2012
Okay, I believe I got it working now. Let's try it :)
Posts: 578
on 05/15/2012
on 05/15/2012
Awwww Simon. {{{{hugs}}}}} We all appreciate you working to fix this. Gardening's gain would most definitely be our loss.
on 05/15/2012
Simon - could you get a job at facebook and clean up their code?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 08/23/2015
When I try to post a link directly onto Facebook or use the FB Share button, I get....Search Wizzley. It happened on these two articles.
Indoor Herb Gardens
C Bar J Horse Haven Rescue
Thanks in advance
on 08/24/2015
candy47: 08/23/2015 - 08:42 AM
When I try to post a link directly onto Facebook or use the FB Share button, I get....Search Wizzley. It happened on these two articles.
Indoor Herb Gardens
C Bar J Horse Haven Rescue
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: Indoor Herb Gardens is working now on FB. I'll wait a few more days for the other one.