DerdriuMarriner wrote a wonderful presentation of the Eastern redbud, filled with beautiful photos.
Knock-your-socks-off Wizzley pages (not your own)
Beautiful page on the Eastern redbud | |
Posts: 478
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on 03/29/2014
Posts: 1088
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on 03/29/2014
She does an excellent job with her flora and fauna pages.
Posts: 439
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on 03/30/2014
We have a species from that tree here in Israel and it is certainly one of my favourite trees. Didn't know it also grows in Canada. A truly wonderful page. |
Posts: 100
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on 04/02/2015
I love these trees. I find it fascinating to learn also about the way different species of the same genus are distributed globally. Israel is so different ecologically from the eastern U.S. and it fascinates me to know that there's a corresponding relative of our tree over there too. Most of the tree species here have their closest relatives either in China or northern Europe. |