on 04/08/2012
I just finished reading this article http://wizzley.com/my-zazzle-success-story/ from the Editor's Choice list. Pam is a perfect example of someone who has built her income and success online due to the necessity of making a living in a new way. There is still so much opportunity for people to pay their bills and build a life through making money online, and Pam's story shows just one way this can be done. She is a true inspiration to me, and her professionalism on Zazzle is one of the reasons that I promote her work.
Here is to her success, and to the success of each and every person that we help to help themselves even in just a very small way. I am so very, very happy for you Pam.
on 04/08/2012
I agree, and I just love her story.
Brenda Reeves
on 04/08/2012
That was indeed a very inspiring story. Thanks for sharing.
I'm off to Zazzle now.
on 04/08/2012
Aw shucks Paula, you make me blush! Thank you very much for the kind words.
You are also someone I admire and you are one of the people who has truly helped me as far as the writing to promote part of my business goes. I am successful, in part, due to helpful online people such as yourself.
I love it that you deem my work worthy of promoting, and I hope we continue to earn money together - thank you!
And I do mean for that story to inspire others who are where I was before I started my online work. I am living proof that it can work, and earning money online is possible for anyone who makes the commitment.
Thanks also to the one(s) who gave me Editor's Choice - it is very much appreciated!
on 04/08/2012
Congratulations Pam! Your Zazzle products are second to none and you know your craft. That plus learning as much as you can about promoting, SEO and all has been a recipe for success.
Enjoy it!
on 04/08/2012
Pam's Zazzle wizzle is a great example of what I would consider a perfect article.
SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
on 04/08/2012
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Went to read it, AWESOME! I'm inspired to do something with my lonely lil Zazzle account, its sounds like an amazing creative opportunity.
Thanks Paula for sharing and Dusty for the inspirational real life account.
Katie McMurray
on 04/08/2012
Thanks so much everyone. You guys are the best. I do love Wizzley!
Zazzle is worth a try for sure, and best of luck to my fellow Zazzlers.
on 04/10/2012
I read this too and inspiring stories like this should be celebrated! Well done!