on 05/21/2012
I've just moved here from another site and have heard good things about Wizzley. I'm just starting out trying to make a few dollars here and there to supplement my SS. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
Looking forward to meeting you all and catching up on my reading!
on 05/21/2012
Welcome aboard Ragtimelil... this is a great site, a writers paradise!
on 05/21/2012
This is a very easy site to use, so have fun..
on 05/21/2012
Hello from Texas as well (Austin)! Enjoyed your first article about your goats.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/21/2012
Thanks, Dustytoes. I am having fun so far. But so much to learn!
on 05/21/2012
And thanks chefkeem to you too. Hello from Willis.
I lived in Austin when I was in HS and started UT.
on 05/21/2012
Here' s an official "hello!" Just got done replying to your sweet comments on 3 of my pages...thanks for visiting them! We have RVing in common, it appears....
In 2009 we sold everything and hit the road! Follow us on our blog at Cheap RV Living
on 05/21/2012
I guess we do! I'm presently sitting in front of the fan that is blowing hot air on me. Better'n no air at all I guess. I need to make enough to buy an AC!!!!!
PS. Always looking for storage tips! Living with 2 floor looms in the camper is not the most practical way to go!
on 05/21/2012
I lived in Houston Texas until I was 4 :) I remember most of it- good times :) they have some interesting foliage out there, especially those "furry trees/plants" I forgot about until I saw some old pictures... gets hot out there though.
on 05/21/2012
Welcome, Ragtime! Nice to see you here!
on 05/21/2012
Welcome, great to have you here
Katie McMurray
on 05/23/2012
Welcome on board and welcome to one of the best sites that support writers/poets/online marketers.
I don't live anywhere close near Texas, but I beleive Texan summer BBQ's and Australian summer BBQ's are closely related :)
on 05/23/2012
Thank you and, yes, I believe they are!
on 05/23/2012
Welcome, you will like the crowd here.