on 02/22/2013
Hi everyone!
I just published my first article on Wizzley and I am so nervous! I'm worried about the quality review. I can't wait till I write my five.
I am getting used to everything here. Not sure about how to set up a zazzle store and the all posters thing, but one thing at a time!
I have written on Hubpages since November, and I wanted to try something new. So far so good. I hope to get to know everyone here at Wizzley soon!
on 02/22/2013
First step conquered! You'll figure the rest out in time!
on 02/22/2013
Welcome to Wizzley, Abby!
I just sent you a correction notice. Your link doesn't work correctly.
You do want to sell that product through your article, right?
Our Amazon module may be your best bet.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 379
on 02/22/2013
Welcome to Wizzley, Abby! This is a very friendly and supportive site, you'll love it here.
on 02/22/2013
... and we'll love you here :) don't be nervous they are incredibly fair here. They moderate every single article you write, but this is so our site is perfect in the search engines eyes and we get ultimately more traffic as a result... it's like The Walton's (remember that show?) up in here....
on 02/22/2013
Thank you for checking everything out! I should have checked that link out before I published it. That was bad me :(
believe it or not, I actually put an amazon capsule in and then took it out. I was afraid I'd be too promotional since this is my first article. Knowing I have to have five approved first is making me nervous lol But its good though, I appreciate it. I want to be the best I can be.
Fit st thing in the morning ill be making all my changes. Thanks again!
on 02/22/2013
Thank you all for your kind words. I'll try not not be nervous.
2uesday, I'm glad you noticed my hat, nice to see you!
on 02/23/2013
you kidding, after seeing that hat I put up a cat with a hat... now we are both styling... chef has a great classic on as well!
on 02/23/2013
Welcome to Wizzley, Abby!
on 02/23/2013
I love your cat in a hat! Lol
on 02/23/2013
yea... it's "Pimp" isn't it ? LOL