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Yo Yo Yooooo! Jerdegarridigidcodigo is in da Wizzhouse!

Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

Hello, I'm Jerrico, and I'm a write-a-holic (passes candle)....

I'm one day new here and absolutely love what you've done with the place.

I simply must have the recipe, and any other cliché' phrases I can borrow :)

I've been an avid writer on various social writing platforms including:

  • Squidoo (250 articles)
  • Ezinearticles (187 articles)
  • My own sites (48 @ 400 articles total, all converted into "hubs" recently less 200 I hadn’t yet)
  • Hubpages (845 articles)

Note: (in the interest of full disclosure)

I've been banned from HP for making one little mistake that cost me my account without so much as any communication- nadda- zilch, just bam everything was "unpublished" and I couldn't even defend myself...

My mistake was posting too many articles too fast (and I didn't check my grammar, I wrote them years ago and assumed they were tip top- I won't make that assumption again!) .

Since they were posted on the same day (moving from a site to hubs rather quickly with no extensive formatting) this quick succession of posts became a knife in my back.

Had I slowed down and posted one at a time, checked my grammar (which Lissie can attest to was horrible years ago- I should have known better), I’d still be there writing hubs or converting sites into hub series…

But I’d not of known about or signed up for- this site (Wizzley) so I consider this horror of treatment of a prolific, dedicated, and loyal hubber a blessing in disguise as it seems my destiny was to push forth and pave new paths.

Apparently HP doesn't give second chances even if you were there for 4 years and never had an issue with any of your articles after over 800 articles published (and highly trafficked) - but bygones- the post ban days were a bit rough- I had spent a great deal of time and a lot of my day on the site interacting with the community and enjoyed watching the money grow in my stats…

One hub I wrote 4 years ago and never promoted became a 200-300.00 a month earner (just from impressions alone and adsense, much more on eBay/amazon started brewing)…

I lost all that notoriety and I’m sure 2500 people a day (the traffic it got for unique visitors and the 900 comments) will be wondering where the hell the site went… I started my quest for a new home for my work- gun-shy like a mo- I decided to build my own blog and was about to purchase a program that creates drag drop builds of Wordpress themes…

I knew I’d miss the format, the capsules, the tools and one thing the other sites didn’t seem to have is eBay, I was never a fan of Squidoo as they FORCE you to format your work one way, if you dare use less than 3 capsules or don't keep updating them every so often they stop promoting them,  they sit there only available to direct links- (it's like they aren't even on the site), that's crap!

 I just needed that Hubpages like format- fix- and wizzley not only has the same "tools" theirs don't include the limitations and there are MANY more tools here- Wizzley will do my work justice where HP limited how much "Artistic expression" I could use! ) SQ limited my ability to publish the way I wanted to i.e one capsule for small articles and IB I never really went there.

I emailed the owner after hearing they were responsive, asking for a reply and they ignored my email- so they lost my 1k articles- so many people shooting themselves in the foot... including myself lol.

Ask any of the "hubbers" who've come here, who know me, I got a raw deal. Of all the platforms I wrote for and interacted with (which is good SEO for the site), HP was my passion turned nightmare… nothing is more frustrating than to be banned with no notice or ability to fix it, it’s down right inhumane.

I will be moving ALL my articles from all over the web (luckily I already consolidated them when I was at HP, I was down to 200 more to convert into "hubs" to reach 1,000 articles when the guillotine came down on me) to this site and I know I’ll match my previous success here and then some.

HP actually did me a favor as I was about to go back over my previous 500 (original articles I wrote there) and update them, fix grammar, etc… they didn’t really check back then and I was green, but I knew they needed some updating…

Now I can do that here on the fly and no time lost (imagine if I’d of done that and THEN lost the account!). They weren’t badly written other than about 20, but I never formatted them or I over formatted them (pulled a Myspace with the glitter), cut out redundancies and so on.

It's their loss, WZ gain... (Don’t worry Wizzley staff; I will not post anything without thoroughly checking it for grammar, punctuation, formatting it perfectly and so on... I wasn't banned for being a bad guy; I was banned for making one mistake in posting 20 articles too fast!)... I don’t like “how” they did this but I understand their policy- they are afterall a business and must protect that even at their writer base’s expense- a wise person told me afterward (Mark), but to cut a good author off at the knees, is just not right.

I started out writing on Psychology (jealousy, love decoded and many subsets of that, to how to write articles that make money, to fascinating topics like why Steve Jobs never had a license plate on his car and how he got away with it legally, to topics like how a guy printed an entire car from a 3D printer (one part at a time, engine, shell, steering wheel and all but the rubber on the tires and oil in the engine), to eye bling, people getting shards of metal shaped like hearts and stars put in their eyeball- yes, the white part- eek!

Towards the latter part of 2009 I stopped writing as nothing I wrote seemed to earn me a dime- turns out my work just needed some "time" and "simmering", after the HP switch over to subdomained accounts ( format) and they introduced their ad program, money started to land in my paypal monthly hand over fist - oh and maybe actually adding some monetization capsules would helped LOL. I was solely depending on the adsense ads! BIG mistake. I won’t make that here!

On the advice of my fellow hubsters and the HP staff tipping me on how to make money writing vs. just writing on topics that don't earn like "community help files" of which about 50 existed later to become a 175 page book I really can't sell because whose going to buy a book about hubpages from someone banned from hubpages, regardless of why, I started down a new path called "product related/review" articles.

This wasn't the spammy type reviews or bs reviews but real informative articles about anything from kitchen cabinets to house siding how to sell your corolla like a boss!

Ironically I had these articles already on my 48 sites (adsense sites) and they were earning pretty well until Panda. I decided to move them over since each page was both part of a larger review of a niche topic (kitchen cabinets i.e. wood, plastic, marble, different types, styles, etc...) and self sufficient to that particular type of wood/style of cabinet to how to install, how to find them, how to build one and so on.

I added these and monetized them with eBay and Amazon "capsules"/modules and practically overnight they started to generate sales. Money was flowing like a stream and comments from hubbers and non hubbers (public) were coming in about how useful this information was... (whew)

I came to realize this was the balance between my psychology hubs, my off the wall topics (fun stuff) hubs, and product hubs created an eco system of various concepts that appealed to most of my visitors. (a balance was born)

It had the hubs that earned, the hubs that intrigued but didn't earn, and the hubs that bounced between the two- I was paying my rent with just my earnings at HP (and then some) - the money was flowing and life was good...

I'm now sitting on 1,000 articles all that were consolidated and became popular at HP, and since I put my eggs in one basket- I came to realize when you drop that basket, well, the eggs got dizzy- as I still have them and can still monetize them here (and share all my insights over the years too). I was worried about putting them on a new site as they may not let me keep them if I ever decided to leave.

So I'm starting from scratch but not really- It's more like copy paste, format better, update, and post- much easier than writing from scratch and it will give me time to learn the tools and turn what was ok into something great (see my next post about writing psychology and formatting psychology). It also gives me the opportunity to re-read ALL of my hubs, as to be honest I hadn’t seen most of them for years!

In a nutshell I'm getting a chance to take all I've learned, all I've written, all I've experienced and starting anew. That's not always a bad thing. In fact I consider it a fresh start with polish.

Possibly my destiny was to come here and become a major contributor to the site, starting with content, quality original articles and my own flavor of personality and writing style.

This time I'll do it better, more efficiently, and success will be mine. I know that some of my hubs could have been cut into several hubs (focus on one topic wasn’t my strong suit)…

I hope to help the community out, anyone who needs it, and I plan to be a major contributor here in content, help, and insight where I can. Losing HP and coming here feels like I've died and gone to heaven...

Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

My main attachment there was that it was my first writing gig ever, where my current (DREAM JOB) spawned from, (what I learned there helped me land the job) and where I made all my connections. I had over 1,060 fans, almost as many hubs, and made some amazing friends there.
If you want to know all about me read my profile extension hub- I went off LOL.

I can't wait to see what this site does. When I joined HP it was merely 2 or 3 years old and they were just ramping up as an authority in the realm of social writing communities- I think having 500 hubs made you a “boss” :0)
This site, I can definitely see doing the same and then surpassing the rest (SQ, IB, HP etc…).
Read my next hub I go off there too (positively of course).

I look forward to reading all your articles (as many as I can time permitting, I'm pretty busy these days) and writing far more articles than I "migrate" over.
That’s me in a nutshell, Please pull up to the next window   (^8-


Posts: 626
on 03/21/2012

Hi Jerrico, you will find yourself at home here with a lot of ex- / also-hubbers. The most important thing you will find is the responsiveness of staff to any issues we have. I have been here just two months, and I know its is unlikely that I will write at HP again, except for maybe a backlink article or two.

Your experience is not uncommon at HP. They are on a rocky road treating those that bring the money in, in the way they do. No business lasts doing that. You are in time to mitigate that possibility. 

I am sure other Wizzley writers will welcome you soon - if they can get to the end of your missive. Sorry, I skipped a few para's - I've got work to do ;)

Posts: 232
on 03/21/2012

Welcome Jerrico. If you think as fast as you write, wow. I'm afraid I'm a slooooow reader and your post is too much for my tired head to contend with. Sorry you were treated poorly at HP and welcome to Wizzley - it's all positive here :)

Posts: 14
on 03/21/2012

I've been here for a few months now and everything has been positive.  Good luck. 

Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

Thanks Humagaia, I was a bit Leary to include my "HP torment" story (after reading in the rules or something that "conduct on other social sites" could become a problem- granted I didn't do anything wrong really, that word ban has the same flavor as some other colorful metaphors I can think of- it's misleading.

But I figured I should bring it up before someone goes to my old acct and reads their disparaging "Jerrico Usher Was Banned From Hubpages" message, that makes me look like a bad guy- so not only do they unfairly dis-ban you from the community- they make sure people who used to read your hubs who cannot anymore read that and think, wow I thought he was cool- what happened? Kick a brodda while he's down? Sheesh, so unprofessional

It's nice to know someone understands and realizes what's really going on there. I hold no contempt (or is it content? lol) for them, I feel betrayed and they ripped the "passive" income I spent 3 years to build out from under me but I'll recoup it, and have learned from the experience.

I'm actually glad it happened because man I have so much fun building wizzies or whatever they call articles here, it's like the feeling you get when you run a home based business selling CD's you burn and put the jewel cases together (print, cut, stuff, shrink-wrap, box, ship), an old business of mine, and find that you can outsource the manufacturing and now can continue to build your business, tune up your product, not work like a dog on manufacturing where there is no real fun, just redundancy and limitations (and never advance because your time is all taken). 

In that I felt boxed in with the limited options and lack of options within capsules but here I keep running into more and more- like I just realized you can not only move things to the left of other modules, but you can even insert images right inside a text capsule!

Long story short, with my artistic formatting encumbered I would always try to "hack" the different layouts of things and using Photoshop to create effects (that are standard here) but it never looked right so I gave up building hubs at some point.

The "journey" is part of the result and I felt the journey was cumbersome. The more I build an article here the more  excited and motivated/passionate I get to keep going. I'm a guy who only had the 16 color box of Crayola's (HP) and now I have the full 64 color box (WZ)!

Kinworm, sorry about that, I'm a bit winded lately- it's the passion this place is firing up. You can get the gist of all dat just by scanning likely- perhaps I should've put in a TOC LOL.



Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

If there's one thing I feel on this site it's incredible support (community AND staff), compassion, willingness to help, and optomism- It's the difference between dodging bullets in a rough (online) neighborhood and walking the streets of Beverly Hills... Optomism cultivates creative and motivating prowess required to write well, negativity hinders it.

back to my article... :)


thehigherstandard: 21. Mar 2012, 16:36

I've been here for a few months now and everything has been positive.  Good luck. 


Posts: 769
on 03/21/2012

Hi Jerrico, and welcome.  I didn't know you on HP, and we have really resolved not to air our HP grievances here on Wizzley.  This is a wonderful site, and you may find yourself cleaning up some of your grammer, etc to meet standards, but you will know upfront, and no secrets or conspiracies.  Hope you like it here.  Smile

I admit that I also did not read your entire missive, but about half.  Wink

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 979
on 03/21/2012

Welcome this is def a great place to burn up some of that writing energy! 

Great to have you here :)

Katie McMurray
Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

Hi Lakeerieartists, I wasn't so much trying to air my grievances as I wanted to make sure there wasn't any misunderstandings about why I left HP. Honestly I'm over it, nothing but good came of it really and I hold no contempt (anymore haha). I guess I'm just used to the old forum construct where people take things out of context (like "are banned") and I didn't want to start out on the wrong foot here. People over there knew me and know the truth but people here don't know me from adam (or Steve, or Jason, or Beth or Patricia... lol).

If anything I'm comparing HP to WZ in the sense that I really am blown away at how dissimilar although similar their tools are and am showing I'm grateful for such optimistic people and responsiveness in both community and the staff themselves.

The HP wound is still ripe, it was only a few days ago, but more than anything I'm finding this site is healing that wound (just writing here, seeing how this sites potential is, etc... not griping, I'm more mature than that).

Thanks for the welcome! I watched your interview vids and you had some great points (love the sax picture in the background by the way!).

I'm being extra careful to check grammar and such, but I don't feel if I tripped on my own toes I'd slam into the concrete here :) Well... Back to work! :)



lakeerieartists: 21. Mar 2012, 18:48

Hi Jerrico, and welcome.  I didn't know you on HP, and we have really resolved not to air our HP grievances here on Wizzley.  This is a wonderful site, and you may find yourself cleaning up some of your grammer, etc to meet standards, but you will know upfront, and no secrets or conspiracies.  Hope you like it here.  Smile

I admit that I also did not read your entire missive, but about half.  Wink


Posts: 1210
on 03/21/2012

thanks Katie! I tend to be overly enthusiastic at first lol (exibit A: my long posts, notice they're getting shorter? haha) but it subdues in time- pouring that energy into the work instead...


katiem2: 21. Mar 2012, 19:14

Welcome this is def a great place to burn up some of that writing energy! 

Great to have you here :)


Posts: 769
on 03/22/2012


Jerrico_Usher: 21. Mar 2012, 19:21

Hi Lakeerieartists, I wasn't so much trying to air my grievances as I wanted to make sure there wasn't any misunderstandings about why I left HP. Honestly I'm over it, nothing but good came of it really and I hold no contempt (anymore haha). I guess I'm just used to the old forum construct where people take things out of context (like "are banned") and I didn't want to start out on the wrong foot here. People over there knew me and know the truth but people here don't know me from adam (or Steve, or Jason, or Beth or Patricia... lol).

If anything I'm comparing HP to WZ in the sense that I really am blown away at how dissimilar although similar their tools are and am showing I'm grateful for such optimistic people and responsiveness in both community and the staff themselves.

The HP wound is still ripe, it was only a few days ago, but more than anything I'm finding this site is healing that wound (just writing here, seeing how this sites potential is, etc... not griping, I'm more mature than that).

Thanks for the welcome! I watched your interview vids and you had some great points (love the sax picture in the background by the way!).

I'm being extra careful to check grammar and such, but I don't feel if I tripped on my own toes I'd slam into the concrete here :) Well... Back to work! :)



lakeerieartists: 21. Mar 2012, 18:48

Hi Jerrico, and welcome.  I didn't know you on HP, and we have really resolved not to air our HP grievances here on Wizzley.  This is a wonderful site, and you may find yourself cleaning up some of your grammer, etc to meet standards, but you will know upfront, and no secrets or conspiracies.  Hope you like it here.  Smile

I admit that I also did not read your entire missive, but about half.  Wink


Not a slam at you,especially, and I don't blame you for being mad at HP, just that Wizzley is its own entity, not an extension of any other site.  What I love the most about this site, and there is a lot to love, is the extreme positive responsiveness from the team.  They are fast, they have reasons, and they listen to authors.  How absolutely refreshing!  And welcome, again.  You will love this site.

Paula Atwell (aka lakeerieartists) is the owner of an online art gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery and a freelance writer
Posts: 1210
on 03/22/2012

Thank you Lake Erie Artist! You've been, yourself, very kind and I appreciate it (I took no offense, just thought maybe I offended :)... you got that right, this is an entity all it's own- it's the culmination of what is on and especially what is MISSING from all the rest combined- including customer service (what is on and missing from other sites)- I just hope they don't employ an automation scheme when this site dominates (SEO wise/author's/article count etc...), as most sites start out this way and automate, which is fine but just as much should go into maintaining that "mayberry" (andy griffith show) feel-

If I had to give this site's feel a name I'd have to say it's like Aunt Bea, Andy Griffith, Barney, and Opie (and the barbers, thelma-lou, hell the whole cast) rolled into one. If ever there was a mayberry online this is it :)

Hey, while I got you here, I just realized there is no "tags" feature... Tags being of utmost importance for SEO as well as and probably more speciically for, internal site organization of articles- is this here and I just don't see it (I hate adding tags but know they are necessary), or is this all handled by the brilliance of the staff/tech team?


Posts: 490
on 03/22/2012


Jerrico_Usher: 22. Mar 2012, 22:02


Hey, while I got you here, I just realized there is no "tags" feature... Tags being of utmost importance for SEO as well as and probably more speciically for, internal site organization of articles- is this here and I just don't see it (I hate adding tags but know they are necessary), or is this all handled by the brilliance of the staff/tech team?



Hi Jerrico,

My turn to welcome you to the wonderful world of Wizzley and its even more wonderful inhabitants. 

To answer your question, we do not use tags here. Nobody really likes dealing with them, their SEO benefit is highly doubtful, and our tech wizards were quite confident we can organize this site without them as well. One less item to worry about.


SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
Posts: 1210
on 03/23/2012

Hi Nightowl :) Thanks for welcoming me aboard- you guys are so kind! Interresting thing about tags. To be honest I don't know much about their actual SEO value, I never thought to look into it. I'm sure the LSI integration and quality, well researched, information is of MUCH more value than tags and to be honest, I HATE MAKING THEM. In fact, and you may laugh, tags were part of the reasons I was banned from HP. 

They finally got back to me about why I was banned, and their response was: "Hello, your account was unpublished because over the course of a weeks time you published 12 hubs all of which contained useless, nonsensical, and one worded tags." I used THEIR OWN TAG GENERATOR to populate the tags!

The only other issues they mentioned were my articles were not 400 words (they were in this case 350-380), my ebay/amazon capsules included products not related to the hubs content (I used keywords to generate the products- I had no idea how to use these things and assumed the only feature other than manually finding the asin numbers was the way to go), luckily at Wizzley your capsules allow you to use keywords to GENERATE a list of products of which you can delete any unrelated (and without worry of generating the wrong products going forward)- theirs gave you no such lattitude.

I really love this site, it's the most brilliant peice of code and community of people I've ever seen online! The more I think about it, had they let me fix these I'd of spent every day I tried to build or fix a "hub" worrying "is this the one that's going to get me banned for "too many rules violations" even though I'm learning and trying not to break any rules?"

I'm comfortable here and am finding articles I had over there that were relatively short (for me) in the range of 600-800 words, are becoming 1k words minimum as I rebuild them with the tools here- (and updating and adding information)... I feel safe here, at home, like one does with their family- for that I'm happy to have left them and found Wizzley. :)


on 03/23/2012

Oh wow,it's Jericho-the prolific writer on Hubpages! I've been a fan for some time and admire the way you can always find something to write about. Share some tips on how to be motivated...

Do what makes you happy- I write and create Hubpages
Posts: 1210
on 03/23/2012

Hi Bizilady!  I'll keep that in mind, I've got reams to say about motivation, after all :)

Maybe when I wake up (been burning the candle at both ends since I joined here) I'll write one, I have two articles in the oven at the moment each one I've spent an entire day on and didn't even finish- (one new (covering how to write killer copy but more so how to format it to make money (the aesthetics are as important as the copy and one reason is... drum roll please... MOTIVATION depends on your "having some fun" along the way!)

One migrated from HP on how modern times are causing cancer (microwaving in plastic, with plastic wrap, freezing water bottles, and about 6k more words that I'm trying to chop down to 3 :)) ).

I'm starting to realize I was REAL wordy when I first started writing on HP, so I want everything tightened up when I move them here (my writing improved drastically over the last 4 years but the content was pretty good i.e. subject and explanations from my research).

I'm in a WZ learning streak but wow, what you can do here with a keyboard and a mouse! My cats are watching this in awe hahaha...

Thanks for commenting! I hope my other fans/followers/readers come over here too :) I'm seeing more people come here every day- likely a bunch are already here and we just haven't seen each other.

Have a great day! I'm a fan of yours now *wink*

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