on 05/29/2011
Of course, we'd have to baptize it "The Etzzy Module"...
Not so fast, though.
In response to your inquiries about integrating Etsy on Wizzley, we've written to Etsy about a possible cooperation/partnership. Now we're waiting for their response.
You'll be the first to know.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/29/2011
Problem is that there is no real way for Wizzley to earn money from Etsy. Most of the money goes directly to the artist.
on 05/29/2011
That's right, Paula. Do we have a lot of Etsy sellers in our community?
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/30/2011
You might if you include a module :)
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
~ Thomas Edison
on 05/30/2011
This is up to Etsy. We're still waiting for their reply.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/30/2011
Is it possible to become affiliated with other companies such as Lakeshore Learning, Hearthsong or other companies? Why is it only the few companies that we are already associated with on Squidoo?
on 05/30/2011
Evelyn - you may affiliate yourself with any company you want to. Wizzley has nothing to do with it.
It's up to you to pick reputable companies (I trust you completely on that one) for yourself and then place your links in a text module.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 05/31/2011
Some companies offer no web services. Therefore we can not add a module.
on 06/04/2011
Etsy seller raising her hand.
Peggy Hazelwood is an online writer and blogger.
on 06/04/2011
We still haven't heard back from Etsy. Y'all be the first to know, of course.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 06/05/2011
chefkeem: 29. May 2011, 20:12
Do we have a lot of Etsy sellers in our community?
Raises hand! I have an Etsy shop.
I can actually see writing several "Etsy How To" articles here.
We redefine the limits of insanity. We are Gods in our own insane asylums.
on 06/05/2011
I have a friend who is a prolific blogger and also loves Etsy (she sews and creates a lot of stuff). She never monetizes anything so if the capsule came here I might just be able to get her to have a go. :)