on 02/25/2012
After emptying your cache and restarting your browser you'll find the new option "Allow Pinterest for this page" in the right sidebar of the page editor.
Now everyone who doesn't want their images distributed on Pinterest can simply opt out of the Pinterest button for that particular article.
Thanks, Simon. You're wiser'n Solomon.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
on 02/25/2012
It's brilliant that it is being made optional :) Another great new Wizzley feature.
Perhaps if Squidoo had made it optional, then members wouldn't have been up in arms about it.
I like my images being put on pinterest - but that's because I've watermarked most of my own personal pics. I can understand why some people are not happy about it as well.
on 02/25/2012
I would also like to add that we went a step beyond simply removing the Pinterest button:
If you choose to opt out, Wizzley will actually block any attempt to "pin" your article by means of the Pinterest bookmarklet. Avid fans of Pinterest will probably use their own browser button to pin stuff, but if they try they will receive the following message:
“This site doesn’t allow pinning to Pinterest. Please contact the owner with any questions. Thanks for visiting!”
SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
on 02/25/2012
Ann & Achim, I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you have done this. As you know I have serious reservations about Pinterest and want to say how much I appreciate that you have listened to those of us who do have concerns and made this an optional feature on Wizzley.
I do wish other sites would do the same
on 02/25/2012
Very proactive, excellent choice!
on 02/25/2012
An impressive innovation, Team Wizzley! While I am on the fence myself about the issue of sharing images from my pages (trying it out, though), I think it's an elegant way to deal with the issue that has many other sites befuddled.
on 02/25/2012
I don't understand. What is the default setting -- to allow or not allow Pinterest?
I want Pinterest pinning allowed. Do I need to change each article?
on 02/25/2012
By default, Pinterest is allowed. You may opt out on an individual page basis.
Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.