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Who stole the blog module? (Updates on Wizzley)

Posts: 578
on 01/23/2012

We've just launched a major update on Wizzley, making it faster to load and more reliable. Due to our recent growth, our server had a little hiccup here and there - I hope nobody noticed that Wink

AddThis was slowing down our page load times drastically, so we've removed the social plugin, and replaced it with static social links of the most popular services. You'll find those in the sidebar of each article.

Also Twitter, Facebook and Google's +1 button have been improved concerning load times. By the way, from now on, the tweet button loads with a useful text suggestion including a short link to your Wizzley article. The short link consists of "" and the article's internal ID.

What's more? The blog module has been removed completely! The module is based on a Google service that will be shut down in a few months (by Google). All blog modules have already been removed carefully from your articles. Don't worry: The layout of your articles is still all right. In critical cases we've removed the module manually to make sure everything still fits. After Panda, the module was a source of Dupicate Content anyways, and so we don't consider it as a big loss. Bye bye blog module!

Also removed was automatic tweeting via TwitterMail: For those enjoying automatic posts to Twitter or Facebook, we absolutely recommend using twitterfeed instead.

The internal text editor (TinyMCE) has been updated, resolving some weird problems in Chrome.

Our internal search finally works like a charm. Till now, some search results were just missing on random :-P It wasn't a particularly obvious or bad bug, but it was there since the beginning of it all.

And finally a good thing for affiliate marketers: As trusted author (having more than five articles published), you can now set the nofollow attribute on your text links manually. Up to now, trusted users always had follow link, no matter if they wanted it or not. Now you can enter nofollow manually inside your text source and it will remain there. You may also set the title attribute on links now. It won't get cleared. This is particularly useful when inserting affiliate links you don't want to share your PageRank with :)



Posts: 251
on 01/23/2012

Thanks for the update Simon :)

Posts: 207
on 01/23/2012

Love the nofollow update!

And I love how everything bugs me (and others) on Hubpages is fixed here. Over there people have been asking for nofollow links for eons. 

Posts: 1088
on 01/23/2012

I'm so thankful for techie people.  It all sounds good, even the parts I don't understand..!

Posts: 699
on 01/23/2012

Thank you Simon. I love the speed at which Wizzley loads and appreciate the efforts you're making to keep it that way.

Posts: 338
on 01/23/2012

In the sidebar? The social media links are above & below the article, aren't they? I'm not seeing them in the sidebar. Maybe it's time for my three time's the charm refresh technique. Laughing

I like the updated Tweet text that is coming up. GREAT!


Edited to say, yep. After refreshing, I now see the icons there in the sidebar.

Posts: 14
on 08/02/2012

My problem is the opposite. Been waiting for DO Follow after five articles, now six, actually. Oh, well. And about HubPages or anywhere else you write, no place is perfect. It's like any job site. Good and bad.

Victoria Lynn
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