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9 Reasons to Use Infographics in Your Content Marketing

Posts: 90
on 03/07/2012

My favorite: "They show an expert understanding of a subject area or topic"

Something I struggle with. If I really know what I am talking about, I should be able to make it easy to understand and "get" to someone who sees it.


Why Use Infographics

Posts: 3100
on 03/07/2012

Do you know of any good resources on "how to create infographics"? Supposedly, is creating a "lab" for future members, but they haven't gone public, yet.

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 979
on 03/07/2012

Would love to dabble in this 

Katie McMurray
Posts: 90
on 03/07/2012

I have asked the same question but have not found a simple software to do it. But I will be on the lookout.

I use Mindjet MindManager for creating mind-maps. I am going to give it a closer look as a way to create infographics.Will let you know what I find out. I remember buying it for approx $200 a couple of years ago.

Here's a perspective from their blog: What is Infographic Thinking?

It basically says that just having a graphic with info does not make a great infographic. The info needs to be organized as a narrative and then graphics added. (It's a bit like creating a wizzle actually!) 



Posts: 90
on 03/08/2012

Ok, here is a way to create a super-simple graphic we can use for Pinterest from the Wizzle. I have visited some articles that I would like to pin but can't because it does not have a large image.

I used a tool called to convert the wizzle text to a tag cloud. There are many different fonts, colors and shapes you can use. My following example is a quick and dirty one.

I look one of my most verbose articles - which wasn't hard to do :) - and copied and pasted the whole thing to notepad and then copied and pasted it into the wordle tool.

Converting the result to an image is a bit tricky but not hard to do. I printed the art as a PDF and used a PDF to Image converter to create an image which I included in the wizzle and then pinned it using pinterest. All tools used are free.

I am finding a ton of tools to do such things for creating infographics. I don't know if it's useful to the community. If it is, please let me know if you think it's a good idea for me to create a quick wizzle with step-by-step instructions - for this tool and other similar tools.


Posts: 688
on 03/08/2012


Bhavesh: 08. Mar 2012, 12:08

Ok, here is a way to create a super-simple graphic we can use for Pinterest from the Wizzle. I have visited some articles that I would like to pin but can't because it does not have a large image.

I used a tool called to convert the wizzle text to a tag cloud. There are many different fonts, colors and shapes you can use. My following example is a quick and dirty one.

I look one of my most verbose articles - which wasn't hard to do :) - and copied and pasted the whole thing to notepad and then copied and pasted it into the wordle tool.

Converting the result to an image is a bit tricky but not hard to do. I printed the art as a PDF and used a PDF to Image converter to create an image which I included in the wizzle and then pinned it using pinterest. All tools used are free.

I am finding a ton of tools to do such things for creating infographics. I don't know if it's useful to the community. If it is, please let me know if you think it's a good idea for me to create a quick wizzle with step-by-step instructions - for this tool and other similar tools.


Oh, yes, that would be very useful for a lot of us! please do write that article if you have the time! ;-)

Posts: 490
on 03/09/2012

In a pinch, you might be able to illustrate your idea with a cartoon.

Here's an "Infographic" I just made with the help of


SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
Posts: 90
on 03/09/2012

What a great idea - I will give it a try. The google-cloud loving wizzley is a nice touch. :-)

And I like the suggestion that we all live on a different planet, sending all the good stuff to those crazy Earthlings. Wink

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