on 06/05/2011
I am currently writing a Wizzle about Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo. Of course it's a bit difficult to lay them out neatly with so much information for each three that I'm trying to compare. I was hoping to put some of the information in a table but.... there isn't one! Any chance we can have one? :)
Also, would it be possible to have bigger text capsule titles? Text that is bolded inside a text capsule is bigger than a title, making it difficult to distinguish said title!
on 06/05/2011
You can create a table inside a Text Module. Look for the grid icon with a pencil over it.
on 06/05/2011
Thank you very much! I didn't even notice that. :)
on 06/05/2011
No problem! I wonder what I haven't discovered yet.
on 06/05/2011
One little annoying thing with the table is that I can't find an easy way to add new rows/columns once the table is started. However I DID discover that you can copy and paste tables straight over from word, WOOHOO!
on 06/05/2011
Your use of the table is just perfect on that page! Kudos.
on 06/05/2011
Jimmie: 05. Jun 2011, 22:39
Your use of the table is just perfect on that page! Kudos.
Thanks. I created it and word and copied and pasted. SO much easier than having to upload a file like at Hubpages!
on 06/06/2011
That's great to know - I can think of a page I am planning where that tool is going to make life a lot easier - one of the reasons I have not published it yet, is because I was dreading creating the table!
on 06/07/2011
wrylilt: 05. Jun 2011, 18:29
One little annoying thing with the table is that I can't find an easy way to add new rows/columns once the table is started. However I DID discover that you can copy and paste tables straight over from word, WOOHOO!
After creating a table just click into the table and use the icons next to the table icon to insert or delete table rows and columns