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Comment at the end of statistics

Posts: 70
on 06/12/2011

Simon, Hans, I am just curious.

At the end of all statistics we get the sentence:

"For technical reasons, we can't show all stats"

What is the meaning of this message?

Thanks, it is not urgent or life threatening, but I am curious 

All the best


Catch in time the big wave of Web 3.0 and change your life forever: Michey's Blog Mobile Profit
Posts: 578
on 06/12/2011

Hi Michey,

depending on the browser configuration of the reader, we are able (or *not* able) to see, from which website he or she came from.Some users use some sort of "private surfing" on which such data is not transmitted to the hosting servers.

So, the numbers do not reflect a fully correct value, however, they are representative. The percentage of each source should be more or less correct.

I have just changed the text a bit to "For technical reasons, not all visits are depicted".

If you are interested in more analytical data, I would recommend Google Analytics, which can be used with Wizzley - and it's all for free :)



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