If pixabay.com doesn't fulfill your image needs, here's a website with 10 more free image sources:
Free stock photos | |
Posts: 3100
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on 05/07/2015
If pixabay.com doesn't fulfill your image needs, here's a website with 10 more free image sources: http://www.iftiseo.com/2015/05/11-free-stock-images-websites.html Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform called...um...er...oh, yeah - Wizzley.com.
Posts: 123
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on 05/07/2015
Thanks. I use to use Morguefile alot, but they don't have a lot of images it seems anymore. Pixabay is ok, but again, pickings are slim sometimes. Linda Smith
Posts: 1088
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on 05/07/2015
Thanks Chef. I usually find everything I need at Pixabay, but it's good to have backup.
Posts: 77
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on 05/07/2015
Thank you for the tip. Always good to have more options. |
Posts: 478
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on 05/08/2015
I see they list 11 free stock photo sites, as you say. Great resource! Thank you :) |
Posts: 17
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on 05/09/2015
Very helpful, thanks! |
Posts: 274
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on 05/12/2015
Thanks so much, Chef! That sounds like a great resource! Read one of my books Sheila's Books
Posts: 418
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on 05/13/2015
Has anyone else noticed that Pixabay is not working right now? |
Posts: 418
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on 05/13/2015
Actually, it seemed to be a temporary glitch, and it's working again. |
Posts: 5
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on 05/14/2015
Just what I needed! Thanks! With love,
Alisha Lutz