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module clicks

Posts: 439
on 12/14/2012

I know there was the suggestion awhile ago about removing this feature from our stats. I was against and I'm glad they stayed. I would like to make a suggestions about something I would find helpful: could we add a category for "most recent clicks" or something like that. I have mine set for ordering the list according to most clicks in last 90 days, but that doesn't give me how things are doing now. So I would like to see the list ordered according to most clicks in last 7 days.

Perhaps the more experienced online writers don't see a need for this but it is how I assess how well I'm learning the skills of getting conversions.

Posts: 477
on 12/14/2012

When u set it for 90 days, the left most column is 7 days, next 30 and the last 90. Hover over the small "i" to see what it is about. 

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 439
on 12/14/2012

I understand that, lobobrandon. What I am asking for is: can we have the list organized according to the 7-days data rather than just the 90-days data.

Posts: 477
on 12/14/2012

Oh ok, I get your point :)

Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 3100
on 12/14/2012

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are looking for, Sheri. However, you can see the clicks for the last 7 days, you can see which links get clicked on (pull-down "More" on top of the 90-day column), and you can check you clicks/conversion rate/sales in your Amazon account. What else is there to know?

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 477
on 12/14/2012

I guess this is what she's looking for:

When you have many articles with even more amazon modules, only the modules with the most clicks in the last 90 days are on top (When you choose to sort it that way). What Sheri needs is a way to arrange them so that the clicks in the pat 7 days are on top.

We can surely see the 7 day clicks too, but there's no way to arrange them in that increasing order (as with the 90 days clicks)


Check out my blog SEO for Dummies
Posts: 439
on 12/14/2012

Yes, that is what I mean, lobobrandon.

I would like to organize the list of module clicks according to number of clicks in the past 7 days. That way, I can see what is happening NOW as opposed to what happened in the last 90 days.  When you have less than 15 items up for sale it does not matter, but when you have pages of items, it does matter - to me, anyway.

The pull-down menu for organizing the list has: according to page title / created / 90 days.  I am asking that "7 days" be added to the pull-down menu.

Posts: 3100
on 12/14/2012

I sent an email to Simon.  Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 439
on 12/14/2012

Thanks so much, Achim.

Posts: 3100
on 12/14/2012

Wizzley can't tell you anything about sales. You must look in your Amazon account for that info.

"Green" indicates that the module has been generating decent click-through rates (CTR) for that time period (7, 30 or 90 days). "Black" and "Red" mean that you may want to consider improvements for that particular module, because it does not bring a lot of clicks anymore. Perhaps a different product, or a better description, or whatever you can do.

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
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