Over the last month I've seen quite a few major issues, across several revenue sharing sites:
- -People from sites like Webanswers (as well as the Adsense forums) are reporting mass account bannings, based on country or just a general enigmatic reason (often after holding said accounts for years.) Adsense is really cleaning out.
- -Hubpages will soon be integrating their affiliates in such a way that the only affiliate you can earn from WITHOUT adsense affiliation will be Amazon.
- -Many people are reporting adsense as taking away money for clicks/paying less/checking much more carefully for low quality clicks, resulting in lower earnings.
- -Many people rely on adsense as their main form of earnings, as many haven't mastered the art of "product sales".
Wizzley is already great in light of the fact that they provide direct affiliate account earnings, including ones not offered on other sites.
However I was wondering if there's going to be any other type of ad network affiliation, that pays in a form similar to adsense, that can be made available on the site. The obvious one is chitika, but I'm sure there are many more.
I believe that if Wizzley does take this step, they'll attract a lot more writers - esp those who have lost their Adsense accounts and therefore cannot publish to earn on many other sites.