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Squidu Forum

Posts: 11
on 03/25/2013

Does any of you know that there is a space dedicated to Wizzley at the squidu forum? It seems very inactive which is a shame because if gives the impression that Wizzley is mainly inactive. I know this is not the case but it could be nice if some of you could check the squidu forum when you have a bit of time.

Some people from Squidoo or Zujava for example may wonder about something concerning Wizzley. Sorry if this is a bad idea or if this has been discussed before...



Posts: 148
on 03/26/2013


Yes, old SquidU forum is closed by HQ and there is new official forum under instead of it. But many of older lensmasters are on another (unofficial) forum too, where you can find threats for Zujava and Wizzley users. I find Wizzley's forum here more useful for my Wizzley related questions, but maybe somebody who is active on more platforms can use the one on yuku better.

Well, our time is limited, so everybody is on his own really:)

Posts: 300
on 03/26/2013

I am very active on the SquidU yuku forum, but since it is a Squidoo forum there are not many posts in the Wizzley, Zujava or Hubpages sections.  That is not to say those sites are bad, they are just not the main topic of conversation.

As far as Squidoo being a total waste of time.  I would disagree.  I have been on Squidoo since 2007 and earn very well there; always have.

Posts: 1210
on 03/26/2013

ok Janet, what's your secret- other than tireless hours in promotion, writing, updating, and maintaining every single lens to the benchmark (meaning you can't set it and forget it, what's that about?) that if you go lower your article is deindexed? I mean I walked away from (as in wrote no more at the time for 2 years) hubpages in year 2 300 articles in and a year later my earnings started to go up substantially- hands off- but on SQ I can't keep an article live on the dam site!

If it hadn't been for this happenstance (hubpages hubs starting to earn a year after I stopped logging in) I'd of never returned to these sites to write- it's that experience that showed me patience is the biggest skill set you need in this industry (IM).

The whole point of these sites is that you can build an article directory of a sort and earn from it- where does it state you have to put all those resources and countless hours fixing something not broke, only to be deindexed if you don't maintain it- what is this a personal web blog? No. It's an account on a 2.0 property managed and profit shared by a company. You make 50-60% of the money your work earns, so why do you have to put up with SQ's ridiculous strategies? You don't- enter wizzley.

I know the SQ site is a good earner but it's not like wizzley or hubpages in the sense that they expect you to wash the windows daily, change something often (or promote to draw traffic, when they have so much traffic it's ridiculous they only want to share with active lenses when lenses could activate in time being live...). I recall recently reading a post by someone in this forum (but not on this forum), asking all her fans to visit her lenses because they are reaching that benchmark where they get deindexed- it's a fools erand trying to keep up with that site- the idea is this is supposed to be simple, write, monetize, earn- not write, wait, wait, wait, find out your chit was taken down.

You have to write about only what's popular (or spend all your time in promo i.e. article marketing, fb likes, whatever cause no traffic and they drop your article like a bad habit), and you have to be at a certain "rank" or they pull all your hard work off the search engines... (they even delete lenses without warning, you just go there and they sent you a mail AFTER it's deleted so you can't back it up, and we're supposed to trust them with our hard work, our time?).

HP and SQ and others at least allow your work to stay live if it's written well (they unpublish something but give you 30 days to move it/back it up), and useful information, not rehashed etc... in my experience (only 5-6 years granted but I've earned hundreds per article a few times and consolidated over 2k a month on some accounts- wizzley is just getting started but in 2 years it will be one of my bigger passive incomes but I won't have to spend too much time, time I want to use to create new wizzles, maintainging what 300 articles? SQ makes me scared to publish, if you think 10-20-100 lenses is hard to keep up try 200,300,400- 2,000? It's rediculous. 

In this industry I've seen hubs sit for 3 years and one day just start blowing up with traffic, earnings over 300.00 by itself, and more but they do have to sit there LIVE to reach that. I also never promoted it, never sent people to it, it just one day got a boost in traffic. I later found out it was a few major sites on the niche that was sending traffic... but had it not been live none of the thousands I earned from it would have happened. I earned for over 2 years at that rate until I was banished like thousands of other dedicated/loyal writers from a certain site :) (HP not SQ).

I think it's ridiculous that they do this (don't get me started on earnings formatting and the severe unfairness of their model). If their model was good I'd assume the wizzley proprietors would have followed suit, hell even hubpages thought it was unfair thus they created the same format we have (then later changed it to match squidoo in some respects; slowly tearing down the transparency until your getting paid through them.).

Now all that said (in frustration lol), I think SQ is a good site for earning IF you want to put in the ridiculous amount of time "maintaining" or rather keeping fixing what's not broken, what just needs some seasoning (time live). My 200 articles are all deindexed (and I quickly backed them up)  and they are not poorly written, spammy, or anything I couldn't put here... yet I let the account go for a year and now my entire suit of articles are in the red... I think this is unreasonable for an internet 2.0 pioneer... I think they do it to have god control over quality and I have to give it to them, they got that- google loves them- nuff said. So it's good for them, good for those that bleed at the finger tips keeping up, and good for google, but anyone else? pssst.

I could say 50% bad things and 50% good things about SQ but overall it's very uncomfortable writing there because I don't know if my article will vanish, deindex, or if I'll even get paid for clicks that came from my pages- that's very unsettling... at wizzley at least we have security of being at home- you know nothing will happen to your work, unless of course your stupid enough to post spam or write spam or anything else not allowed.

I was on the fence until last month as to weather or not I wanted to move away from or just push a lot of energy into it and seeing what happens... I decided to ditch SQ, when I posted an article there that barely went 3 weeks before being deindexed I was done. My time obviously doesn't matter to them or they wouldn't waste it so frivolously.

Wizzley feels more like a democracy. SQ feels like a communist state. But that's just my views...



Posts: 300
on 03/26/2013

Wow, I don't even know how to respond to all of that. Surprised

But, I will say a few things. 

  • I have lenses that I have not updated since 2010 still indexed and featured.   I currently only have 2 lenses not featured
  • I don't doing any promotion for my lenses except for cross-linking them between related pages on Squidoo and other sites I write on.
  • I don't update them like crazy, but I do update them when changes need to be made; i.e. products no longer available, new products to add, etc.
  • I don't put a ridiculous amount of time into my lenses.  My time is spread equally between Squidoo, Hubpages, Zujava, Wizzley and my personal blogs
  • I consistently make a few thousand dollars a month on Squidoo
  • I am not the only person doing well on that site
  • Maybe it is luck ...who knows. Tongue Out

Posts: 1210
on 03/26/2013

I know a few who make thousands on SQ but they put a great deal of promo work in, maybe you have something with the interlinking thing as Google is prone to like articles that link to further research in the niche for the researcher.

My experience was bad with SQ, perhaps I'm spoiled by the likes of HP and Wizzley, I started on HP and only a year ago landed on SQ (4 years later), it was great for a bit then it all ended tapering down to nothing, I couldn't even get them back up when I changed, updated them, added more modules... I too felt it was a waste of MY time, but if you got the skill set and just have a knack for that site, more power to you. I'm actually happy to hear your story.

There are those people that just have a knack for one thing, for some it's building 2.0 properties and making them all thrive, for another they thrive only when they build their own blogs, others can make money where others struggle to see how they did it or how they couldn't. You seem to have the internet marketing skill set down cold :). I really wanted to make SQ work but I just don't have the knack or patience to climb that hill.


Posts: 300
on 03/29/2013


Jerrico_Usher: 03/26/2013 - 10:59 PM

I know a few who make thousands on SQ but they put a great deal of promo work in, maybe you have something with the interlinking thing as Google is prone to like articles that link to further research in the niche for the researcher.

My experience was bad with SQ, perhaps I'm spoiled by the likes of HP and Wizzley, I started on HP and only a year ago landed on SQ (4 years later), it was great for a bit then it all ended tapering down to nothing, I couldn't even get them back up when I changed, updated them, added more modules... I too felt it was a waste of MY time, but if you got the skill set and just have a knack for that site, more power to you. I'm actually happy to hear your story.

There are those people that just have a knack for one thing, for some it's building 2.0 properties and making them all thrive, for another they thrive only when they build their own blogs, others can make money where others struggle to see how they did it or how they couldn't. You seem to have the internet marketing skill set down cold :). I really wanted to make SQ work but I just don't have the knack or patience to climb that hill.


I do agree that if a site is not working for you, it makes sense to move on to more profitable platforms.   Different platforms are better suited for different types of articles. 

Posts: 74
on 04/01/2013

Here's the link to the Wizzley section:

The Squid∩ Community is for anyone who earns money online.

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