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Use the Wizzley Hashtag on Twitter (#wizzley)

Posts: 251
on 05/26/2011

Make sure that when you Tweet links to your Wizzley pages, you use #wizzley. Two reasons:

As the site becomes better known then people will search for #wizzley

I have set up a for wizzley, which will give you backlinks for your pages and there will be an automatically updated tweet once a day, where people will go and check the latest links (hopefully).

You can see todays edition here and some of you are already on there:

Posts: 3100
on 05/26/2011

AJ - This. Is. Fabulous.

Thank you.  Smile

Achim "Chef Keem" Thiemermann is the co-founder of a pretty cool new platform, yeah -
Posts: 338
on 05/26/2011

Confused. I used @wizzleynews instead of #wizzley.

Will that not achieve the same thing? There are many things about Twitter that I still don't grasp.

Posts: 490
on 05/26/2011

Those are both correct uses, Jimmie. The @wizzleynews will reference our twitter account directly, while the hashtag makes your tweet show up when someone (or something) searches for tweets that are about Wizzley.

SEO Praxis: Specializing in WordPress Hosting and Small Business Web Design.
Posts: 338
on 05/26/2011

Okay. Thanks for that clarification. I'll try to use both.

Posts: 251
on 05/27/2011

I have set the Wizzley to pull in tweets that mention wizzley and use #wizzley - when I last looked it had 24 entries, so it is already working.

Jimmie, I wrote an article on Squidlog about using twitter hashtags - this may help:

Guess I ought to make a page on here...............


Edited to add: OK - I did some fast keyword research (of course) grabbed the URL, page under construction

Posts: 29
on 05/27/2011

I just used a hashtag!

However I'm slightly puzzled.  Does the tweet icon only ever measure the times it is used as opposed to the number of tweets about the page URL on Twitter?

It's just I'm a habitual tweetdeck user to avoid endless "connect to twitter via this program" thingies attached to my Twitter account and hence more or less always tweet through that

Katherine Tyrrell is makingamark. My art blog Making A Mark is rated #3 in top 25 art blogs in the UK.
Posts: 79
on 02/12/2014

Good to know about the #wizzley.  Another Wizzler mentioned this to me when I was just getting started here, but I forgot.  I also use paper.l to publish Cmoneyspinner Weekly - my consolidation of blogs, freelance articles, and stuff related to working from home.  I can use the #wizzley hashtag to extract some articles for the paper.  The more circulation the better. 

Also, I borrowed this idea from Google Plussers.  They have a habit of picking a particular day of the week to do certain posts and hashtagging them.  For example: "treetuesday". Tweeters do this thing called #FF - FollowFriday or FriendlyFollow - I forget what it stands for.  But they do it every Friday.

So I created a hashtag called #WizzleyWednesday.  I was going to create a new forum thread to tell folks about it, but I found this one already here from 3 years ago!!  I just love it when I think of things nobody has already thought of.  Tongue OutEmbarassed

Anyway, Wednesday is hump day and when I woke up this morning, this is the first idea that popped out of that lump that sits on my neck supported by my shoulders.  Lump? Hump?  Wednesday?  Go for it!

So that's what I'm up to.  Anybody want to use the #WizzleyWednesday hashtag, feel free!

NOTE:  I also embed my referral number in the shortened URL.  Money Mouth

Hey!  We all hustle and not just on hump day!! Laughing

Cmoneyspinner Weekly

Treathyl FOX aka cmoneyspinner.  Vocal.Meda Contributor.  Please visit!
on 03/12/2014

I'll be up for that when I create some more work here in the coming weeks. I know SquidRich already has a for people who have been or are on here and Squidoo so I show up there with regularity. It'll be good to get some more traffic though.

Described by one of my clients as 'a literary grammarian', writing, researching and reading are requirements for sanity, at least this side of the keyboard.
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