I took a peek at the Wizzley twitter account, and I noticed that it's just a feed of posts. It also doesn't have very many followers (<600). I have a website, RateTea, that is much smaller overall than Wizzley, and has less total traffic, but has far more of a following on twitter...I have 2150+ followers on my RateTea twitter.
I really would like to see Wizzley's traffic and visibility increase. I think this would benefit everyone as a whole. I think that as it stands, as a publishing platform and as an online community, Wizzley is way ahead of "competitors" like Squidoo. But in terms of search traffic and rankings, it seems to lag behind. Similar articles I publish on Squidoo still seem to draw more traffic.
My experience with twitter suggests that if a twitter account is more interactive, it will actually attract more followers. I know that when someone follows me, if I just see a feed of posts and no interaction with other users, it looks a little spammy. I'm very reluctant to follow accounts that don't ever @-message other users.
I obviously don't want anyone to sink too much time into this if you think it would be a better use of time to be doing other things, but I think that adding just a little bit of interaction to the Wizzley twitter account would look really professional, and would probably make that account attract more followers. I don't put much time into the RateTea twitter...I probably post a lot less than Wizzley...but I think the interactivity makes a huge difference and I suspect that may be the main reason for the higher number of followers on that account.
Also...is anyone @-messaging the twitter account currently? I wonder if there are opportunities that are being missed to engage in dialogue with people out there. I think it is very unlikely that a site this big and prominent wouldn't have at least someone @-messaging their twitter account.
Just some thoughts!