Fun Dinner Menus For Thanksgiving

by dustytoes

Create your own menu for a fun Thanksgiving dinner. Our menus have text templates over pretty, seasonal background.

Customize a menu for any Thanksgiving event where the chefs want their name linked to their specialty. These menus work for family Thanksgivings and Friendsgiving gatherings.

The personalized menu templates make wonderful keepsakes to look back on as the years go by. Add the family name and year at the top and list the cooks name next to each food item - this is optional. Designs are traditional, with pumpkins and fall flowers, or nontraditional themes for those who live in a warm climate.

If you are pressed for time, choose the instant download option and print out a customized menu to copy and use when the family arrives.

Family: The Bigger the Better

Big family gatherings are where these fun menu templates will be appreciated.

My holiday meals are very, very small.  My kids live all over and I have no other relatives nearby.  It is usually just me, or me and my grown son if he is not working.  I would never need such a menu as I have created for this page.

I'm thinking of the lucky people who have lots of family gathering together and making their favorite food to share.  It would be fun to let everyone know what they are eating and who contributed.  Even the kids can get involved by baking cookies or mixing the punch.  

All of these menus have enough space to include the name of the baker beside the menu item.

Menu Template With Pumpkins

Thanksgiving Family Dinner Menu Template
Thanksgiving Family Dinner Menu Template
Round Thanksgiving Menu
Round Thanksgiving Menu

Tropical Themed Holiday Menus

Pineapples and flamingo designs.

The pineapple and beach scene holiday menu template is a non-traditional design.  It is perfect for families who live in warm climates and celebrate Thanksgiving a bit differently.

Traditional turkey may be served, but often a tropical element finds its way into a meal.  

Oyster stuffing for the turkey is popular.  Pineapple salsa can be served as an appetizer, along with chips and crackers.

Tropical Themed Menu Template

Pineapple or flamingo designs for celebrating any big dinner gathering in a warm climate.
Family Thanksgiving Menu Pineapple Design
Family Thanksgiving Menu Pineapple De...
Flamingo Menu Template
Flamingo Menu Template

Who makes the best food in your family?

Are you from a family full of great chefs? Or is Thanksgiving a bit of a joke when it comes to food?
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About the Paper

Menu templates with download option also come as printed cards on various paper.

The paper used to create these menu templates comes with twelve choices.  For printed menu options, choose white, eggshell, kraft, ecru, embossed linen, ribbed, cotton texture, woven, shimmer, satin, and silky.  Each paper upgrade has its own price increase.  Choose a special paper for a special event.

If you choose to download the menu, the file will be sent to you to print out as you choose for personal use - or share digitally.

Traditional Pumpkins Dinner Menu Design

A background of pumpkins and sunflowers.
Thanksgiving Family Dinner Menu
Thanksgiving Family Dinner Menu

Eat Pumpkin Year Round

A traditional Fall food, the pumpkin is full of good nutrition.

It used to be that I would have a slice of pumpkin pie each Thanksgiving.  That was it!  But, did you know that pumpkin is super healthy and filled with great vitamins that we need year round?

Pumpkin contains big amounts of beta carotene, vitamin C and E.  It gives us potassium and fiber and the seeds are also beneficial.  It is also very helpful in strengthening our immune system.

These days I make pumpkin shakes for breakfast quite often.  When I open a can of organic pumpkin, and don't use it all, I use an ice cube tray to fill and freeze pumpkin cubes to use later on.

I also eat pumpkin pie year round now, although it's a healthier version.

Eat more pumpkin people!

Buy Canned Pumpkin

You may want to see the cans for yourself and check the expiration dates, but canned pumpkin is the way to go.
Green Valley Organics Pumpkin | Certi...
Only $25.0
Farmers Market Pumpkin Puree 100% Org...
Only $13.65

Instant Downloads Are Now Available

Search "Zazzle instant downloads" for the page explaining how it works.

Who isn't busy at the holidays?  One of the most wonderful options we now have to offer is the instant download.  Any design you wish for can be yours instantaneously after payment, with Zazzle's new option.  Any design with the download offered becomes yours for personal use.

Perfect for a last minute menu idea, choose the instant download option and have your menu at your fingertips right away!

At the present time, the download option is only offered on select items.  Certain flat invitation paper and some folded cards can be downloaded, as well as posters and prints.  A "downloadable" icon is printed beneath items that qualify.  Every download item can also be purchased as a printed version and there is an option to choose both.

Buy Menus as Instant Downloads

Pay a little more, but have the design to use over and over.
Big Pumpkin Holiday Menu Template
Big Pumpkin Holiday Menu Template
Updated: 10/28/2023, dustytoes
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Would you create a menu to use on Thanksgiving day?

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DerdriuMarriner on 11/18/2023

Your Friendsgiving-, luau- and Thanksgiving-themed wizzlies and Miha Gasper's Easter craft- and nautical-themed wizzlies inspire me to come up with a last-minute addition to this Thursday's friendly, thankful fare!

Yesterday I observed educational, entertaining, fun exhibits at the branch library of an area independent city. Annie, as branch manager and library-system director, pays attention to patron interests and needs. She put together fun dinosaur displays and experiences!

One of the internet-available sources, Smithsonian magazine, reminds us of such dinosaur-turkey commonalities as the (Friendsgiving/the Thanksgiving) wishbone!

So last night I started on a side-table, small menu with dinosaur-themed crafts, decorations and food. Miha Gasper wrote in a dinosaur-adaptable ;-D, holiday-craft wizzley about Easter-egg catching, hunting and rolling in addition to basketing, decorating and eating.

So I will preserve all this fun inspired by Annie, Miha Gasper and you with images and menus, to copy, enjoy and preserve for years to come!

DerdriuMarriner on 11/04/2023

I'm a year-round pumpkin eater as well. Pumpkin adds wonderful wholesomeness to my days.

Your pumpkin shakes sound enticing. Would you please share your recipe? I'm looking forward to those shakes because I'm sure that they are deliciously healthy.

DerdriuMarriner on 10/28/2023

I like the way the menus look as is.

The library system here makes Vox books available in monolingual Spanish and bilingual English and Spanish. I recently read Marisol McDonald doesn't match/Marisol McDonald no combina. The latter character tends to switch back and forth between printing and writing within paragraphs, sometimes within sentences and even words.

The effect was quite interesting. But it probably would take quite a bit of time figuring out fonts and sequences for holiday menus.

As I said, everything would look great as is ;-D!

dustytoes on 10/27/2023

Alternating font styles could be used. The customer can do it, or I would be willing to help make the changes. There are so many fonts to choose from, it's hard to know which ones a customer prefers. They can be changed, but sizing might make it tough.

DerdriuMarriner on 10/27/2023

Your menu products interest me especially for the family-history component that is passed on.

The title looks friendly, inviting and knowledgeable in its written presentation. The printed-listed dishes may seem formaler than the written-listed ones. The written-listed dishes might seem friendlier -- because each cursive writer has her/his own adaptation of the Palmer model ;-D -- than the printed-listed ones.

Must the menu offerings be either all printed or all written? Or would it be possible to alternate? For example, main dishes printed, side dishes written, dessert dishes printed?

dustytoes on 10/26/2023

Hi DM, Yes the color can vary depending on the design. Often the background color is something I change to post different options for the buyer. But, everything is customizable at Zazzle and the customer can use the customize page to change their own colors. Solid color backgrounds and text colors are easy to change. Once they are chosen, the customer downloads the file to use.

DerdriuMarriner on 10/26/2023

The last sentence in your introductory paragraph ends with a reference to the instant download option.

Is the color something that can be varied in that option?

DerdriuMarriner on 10/24/2023

Thank you!

I was about to end my computerized -- ;-D -- day when I went back to see about anything new on Wizzley.

What a wonderful surprise! Your Friends- and Thanks-giving and your luau wizzleys worked so nicely and timely for me that I would have liked more.

Back again tomorrow morning!

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