Competitors have some great deals going on out there, but the place I’m continually drawn to for some of the best deals is the online Amazon store. Amazon is offering some great back-to-school specials for up to 64% off! I didn’t even know that Amazon had a back-to-school section, but I’m not surprised. The beauty of shopping at Amazon for back-to-school supplies is that you don’t have to drag the kids to a store full of impatient moms with rowdy, excited kids. That in itself would be enough of a pull to get me to shop online.

Back to School Shopping Deals on School Supplies at Amazon
by VictoriaLynn
Save on back to school shopping with great deals from Amazon. With free shipping and one stop shopping, Amazon offers all the supplies you need for school.
Amazon has One Cent School Supplies!
with free shipping, too!
Amazon has all the school supplies kids need, with great deals for school age kids from kindergarten through high school, as well as for college students. I was amazed to see notebooks, glue, pens, and erasers starting at just one penny!
A penny will even get you a whole package of pencils! And don’t forget pencil cases, crayons, rulers, and scissors! Really, every one of these smaller necessities is available on Amazon. Of course, there is the shipping fee of three or four dollars for a one cent item, which wouldn’t make most purchases that cheap, after all. However, most, if not all, of these items are available for Super Saver Shipping. What this means is that if your entire order totals over $25, then shipping is free. Getting over the $25 hump will be easy to do, even if you have just one child.
So forget about shipping costs. You’re not going to have any. At these prices, I’d grab all the one cent items I could in order to keep from having to go back for more supplies later on in the school year.
Backpacks, Laptops, Calculators
A Texas Instrument for only $3!
Besides basic school supplies, Amazon has some cool backpacks, like Angry Birds for younger children and laptop backpacks for the older kids. Amazon has a range of laptops, too, with online help for finding the right one dependent on the student’s need and the parent’s budget.
There are a range of new and used calculators, as well. I saw a Texas Instrument for under $3! I have had a TI calculator that I got in high school for math and chemistry classes. I used it through college and every job I’ve had since then. I’m not going to say how many years it has been since high school, but it has been a long, long time! Although the plastic folding case has come off, the calculator still works perfectly and is my all-time favorite calculator! Maybe it’s my favorite since I haven’t had to buy another one, but why would I want to? It has all the simple and fancy functions anyone would need.
Amazon has everything for College Students, too!
Even furniture for the dorm or apartment
Amazon even has supplies for extracurricular school activities. Whether your student is interested in sports, art, or music, you can most likely find what they need at Amazon. You can find trumpet and flutes and even percussion in the music section. Find the perfect pair of shoes for football, volleyball, or other sport of interest.
College students, too, can benefit from the great deals on supplies and electronics. Besides all the academic supplies and electronic items, they can find great deals on needs for their dorm rooms or apartments. Even in the dorm, having a mini-fridge or microwave is handy. Bedding and bath supplies are necessary supplies wherever students live. Plus, Amazon has furniture for college students—like desks and chairs and storage bins.
More Savings on Back to School Shopping
Save on Back to School Shopping with Computers and Other Electronics
Save on trusted brands of electronics such as Dell and Hewlett Packard. Shop with online discount coupons for great deals and deep savings.
Where to Find Cheap School Uniforms and BackPacks
If you can't buy them used, try using discount coupons to enjoy significant online savings.
Use online coupons to save on School Supplies at Amazon!
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Amazon is seriously one of the best online retailers for finding about anything that you need. Use Back to School Coupons 2015 to save on these amazing deals. The CouponSnapshot website makes it possible to shop at Amazon and hundreds of other stores for all your back to school shopping needs. Once you've purchased all the school supplies you need, you might want to browse other stores for back to school clothing.By going through PromoPro and their variety of vendor coupons and promotions, you can find great deals at a variety of online stores for all your back-to-school supplies.
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Great points, Tolovaj. what kind of book do you publish? Textbooks?
Yep, being publisher myself I know how hard can be in this business. You have to be resourceful to survive.
But in my opinion this kind of tricks are just too dirty. With publishing a textbook we should promote knowledge, science, responsibility, not mere running after profits...
Anyway - knowledge is still the power:)
Tolovaj, I appreciate your comments. A similar thing happens here with college students in that the editions are changed so frequently that students can't sell their books back or can't get used copies. The publishers sure find ways to make money, don't they?
It is good to hear there are still good deals on school supplies out there. We are getting ready for new school year in Europe too. I don't know about other countries, but our publishers use one dirty trick to sell more: instead of textbooks and workbooks (and frankly, as former teacher I don't think we need workbooks, textbook and notebook should be just fine) kids now have combination of two in one.
This means half of textbook is empty and kid has to write, draw, whatever on these pages (with question, partly drawn schemes etc.). This means at the end of the school year this text-workbook is useless for his younger brother or sister or anybody else. Next generation has to buy new books.
This strategy proved to make big profits for some publishers in initial years, but now many of them are in financial troubles. It seems these kind of tricks are not enough for running a solid business...
I hope I didn't stray too far from the subject:)
Thanks for the info!
Thanks, Katie! Amazon is amazing!
Ew a really good article, I like how you provide us with the coupon snapshot, sweet deals, thanks for the heads up on the great back to school savings.