Graeme Henderson: Writer and Z-Lister

by graeme

This is me introducing myself to Wizzley, which I've only just found. A bit about me before I start posting and keeping you updated about how much money I make.



What is a Z-List Blogger?

I am proud to begin by associating myself with Lissie's Z-List manifesto, a series of statements which essentially defines the Z-List blogger as not being an A-List blogger. In other words, we use the Internet to make money but we try to do so ethically, without bullshit and without trying to sell stuff to Newbies that they don't need or can't use. In other words, we strive towards Internet Marketing you can trust. The fact is, there are many so-called A-List bloggers who make money by recommending products designed to attract newbies to the unrealistic dream of internet marketing - the dreaded Get Rich Quick dream. As we all know, there is no shortcut in this game - I've been at it for 2 years and not made more than $500, but I keep going and try new things (hence my appearance here) and discard things that don't work (such as most of the products I've paid for over the last two years).

Lissie says "Profanity is encouraged, but not compulsory" -  I disagree with that one. If you're offended by profanity, don't read my work! I won't cuss often, but if I feel like it, I fucking well will.

Another of Lissie's statements: "If you do put your photo up – it should not be photo-shopped  that makes you look like a gorgeous young, succesful girl or guy. You will preferably older, un-groomed and a bit over-weight" Got to agree with that one, as you can see. I'm not young, I don't own a Lamborghini or a helicopter; I'm just an ordinary middle-aged guy trying to find a new way to make an income and feed my family. 

Anyway, without wishing to come across as unprofessional, I think it is perfectly possible to be a successful internet marketer without being too serious or too pushy. In other words, I'm not here to lecture or pontificate; I'm still learning this business. If I do make money from Wizzley I'll publish how much and with what pages. If I don't, I'll either say so or simply disappear without trace, to lick my wounds elsewhere.

I live in the very beautiful county of Devon, in South West England, although I'm a proud Scot. I'll be posting pictures and information about visiting South-West England (and Scotland) on a regular basis. If you're in the area, let me know and I'll show you around. 

Cute photo of daughter usually works....

At The Eden Project, Cornwall, England.

South West England

Eden Project
Updated: 01/13/2012, graeme
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