Harvest Bounty of Fall Fruits

by WriterArtist

Healthy, hearty harvest bounty of Fall is something one cannot ignore. Prepare to set out for a season that is extravagant, abundant, colourful and above all amazingly beautiful.

We ought to take fruits seriously, especially that are locally grown and easily available.Fall season offers some of the best fruits in the year. It’s a time when farmer’s markets are in full swing and plenty of fresh fruits to choose from the rampant harvest available.
Fall follows summer and spring, it has the best weather for seasonal fruits to ripen and vegetables to grow. Fruits form an essential part of our diet. Similar to veggies, they provide vitamins, antioxidants, fibre and electrolytes. Moreover they are essential to make our food balanced. Excellent sources of flavonoids and minerals, they reduce the risk of fatal diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiac arrest. They go a long way in strengthening our immune system.

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Image from pixabay, courtesy garten-gg

Apple Fruit

Popular and affordable fruit of Fall and Summer

One cannot forget apple in Fall season or any time of the year. Widely popular and existing with thousands of varieties, the deliciousness of apple is enjoyed everywhere in the world. The advantage being - it can be stored for a longer time if it is kept in a cool and dry place.

Apples are high in fibre, vitamin C and photochemical. While looking for the more popular varieties like Gala, Honecrispy, McIntosh, Grany Smith, remember there are other varieties waiting to be explored. This fall try the lesser known types such asJonathan, Fuji, York, Rome beauty, Lady, Gravensteins. Perhaps you may find that they too are amazingly delicious.

Huckleberry food products

Jam and Syrup
Fresh Frozen Wild Blue Huckleberries from Mt. St. Helen's...
Northwest Wild Foods
Only $199.99

Apple Celebration

Apple Jam
Stonewall Kitchen Maple Apple Jam, 11.75 oz
Stonewall Kitchen
$11.74  $8.95


Favourite of Bear

Sharing the genus ‘Vaccinium’ with blueberries, the huckleberries are also loved by bears. This berry is also associated with the famous character Huckleberry Finn. In the book, adventures of Huckleberry Finn by the author Mark Twain survives various challenging situations.

Native huckleberry prefers elevation but you can also find them in abundance at cascades. Klamath mountain ranges have their share of huckleberry harvest. Since this berry grow in wilderness, you can find them when you go hiking. Foraged huckleberries are a rage in Farmers market.


Fruits of Fall

A good source of vitamins A and C, persimmon contains antioxidants. Similar to apple, it can be eaten with skin. Persimmons are expensive compared to other fruits because they are available in limited quantity. This national fruit of Japan is also loved by other countries in the world. A tasty addition to tarts and desserts, it is good for heart.

Pumpkins aka Jack O Lanterns - Fall Celebrity

Popular fruit of Fall

The bounty of Fall can be easily seen with this celebrity fruit. Fall harvest brings in pumpkins and many other fruits/ squashes from the same family. Many of the pumpkin varieties can be used in savoury as well as sweet dishes. Pumpkin finds it’s way in pies, desserts, soups and curries. A good source of vitamins and antioxidant, it’s seeds are equally nutritious. Apart from being used in recipes, pumpkins are used in decor on Halloween and Thanksgiving festivals. Pumpkin fruit lasts long and is easy to store. No wonder, the Jack o lantern is a popular choice for celebration due to its versatile nature.

Fruits of Fall

Many fruits that come in Fall whether rare or common should be explored and enjoyed.  Fruits are fiver rich foods. They provide natural sugar to people who have sweet tooth. 
    Go easy with fruits especially those that are edible and can be eaten raw. They help decrease calori intake when compared to junk food. Moreover, they are super healthy.

Updated: 08/09/2023, WriterArtist
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What fruit is your favourite Fall fruit?

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dustytoes on 10/13/2023

When I lived in New England I went apple picking each Fall season and there is nothing like a fresh Macintosh off the tree! There are so many wonderful foods of fall. I eat pumpkin year round for its excellent nutrients, but carving them with my kids was always fun. I love your banner and posters!

DerdriuMarriner on 08/21/2023

Another attribute that affirms fall fruit over fall junk food is their diverse presentations.

Junk food generally limits itself to one form that perhaps may be varied in terms of if some bar needs to be cooler for some eaters and warmer for others.

But fall fruits might be drunk as broth or juice and eaten baked, candied, cooked, fresh, fried, grilled, jammed, jellied, sauteed or souped. Their popularest presentation likely would be fresh, correct?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/19/2023

Thinking about junk-food alternatives caused me to consider the diverse presentations of fruits' healthy companion, vegetables.

Would you be planning to write a similar-organized wizzley about fall vegetables?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/18/2023

Your last-paragraph comments about attractive, healthy fruit versus junk food caused me to think quite a bit about the foods necessary and not necessary to happy lifestyles.

A beautiful, healthy environment gives such a reinforcement to a delicious, healthy diet. Isn't it such a statement in favor of our fruits that their trees always improve the way their planting spaces and surrounding areas look?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/17/2023

Your writing a similar-organized wizzley about fall nuts could be quite helpful what with September just around the corner.

The south and the west yards respectively have a chestnut tree and a black walnut tree. Would your list of fall nutty favorites include either of those?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/15/2023

It's helpful that your last paragraph lists junk fruit as ultimately not as healthy and tasty as fruit. It's lamentable too all the many more calories that junk food lodges in our bodies.

Mightn't junk food also be criticized for such bad edible components as the fats, preservatives and sodiums that they put inside us?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/14/2023

My favorites are berries (especially cranberries), pears, pineapples, pomegranates and pumpkins.

Pumpkins always hold a special place because isn't it great that, even as actual fruit, they will work in fruit- and vegetable-style presentations, won't they?

Tolovaj on 08/13/2023

I believe it's an apple. I also love oranges but they are (in my country) more available in the winter.

DerdriuMarriner on 08/12/2023

Pumpkins are such aesthetically architectural, subtly scented fruits.

All their drinkable, edible presentations enchant me even as I particularly favor pumpkin jams, juices, pies and soups as well as pumpkin butters, sauces and syrups. Pumpkin seeds in all their presentations likewise interest me.

Pumpkins also never let one down in regard to their carving aspects and to their candle-lodging aspects.

Would you be likelier to put a pumpkin-scented, an other-scented or an unscented candle inside a carved pumpkin?

DerdriuMarriner on 08/11/2023

It's so likeably healthy the way persimmons cooperate as baked, candied, cooked, dried, fresh, fried, jammed, jellied and juiced items.

Additionally, what with all the eye health-friendly lutein and vitamin A, it's so environmentally sound that every part of the fruit can be used, what with peels as candy and seeds as oil, powdered seasoning and raw or roasted edibles.

Here, persimmon soups nicely with such squashes as butternut and with sweet potato. Would you happen to have tried what internet sources call curried persimmon soup (with curry powder, ginger, onion, pepper and salt)?

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