Christmas is a special time for homemade holiday candies. Secret family recipes are handed down through the generations. It's a special seasonal favorite the kids love. You no doubt will get many request before you know it. Making homemade candies with your kids is a great way to add unity to the family Christmas. One day your sons and daughters will be making the family holiday candy fudge, hard candy and specialty candies just like you. Seasonal traditions always create fond memories.

Homemade Christmas Candy Supplies
by katiem2
Find everything you need to make homemade Christmas candy. Get everything you need from molds to oil even candy thermometers.
Chocolate Pretzels
Chocolate and pretzels go together making a great taste sensation most everybody loves.
The combination of sweet and creamy with salty and crunchy is irresistible. This chocolate pretzel mold by Wilton is a great and fun way to create delicious seasonal treats for gifts.
The Wilton company includes an easy recipe guide to making joyful Christmas tree pops. Simply melt the chocolate in a double boiler, insert pretzel in mold, pour in chocolate and forget about it.
Once these beauties are dry pop them out, wrap them in festive paper adding to gift bags or boxes for the many special people on your list.
Best Christmas Gifts for Teachers, Mail Courier, Hair Dresser, Co-workers and Neighbors
The latest trend is having Chrismas candy making parties, a spin off the old cookie parties, candy makes for a fresh new gift giving idea, who doesn't love candy?
Great Gifts For
Teachers, mail courier, hair dresser, nail tech, coaches, co-workers, and neighbors.
These gift selections are also great for taking to family holiday parties. Not only are these delectable treats yummy they make a spirit lifting arrangement.
You can add them to a special large holiday mug or a vase arranging the pretzel pops in a happy Christmas bouquet.
This is quickly becoming a gift anyone would be thrilled to receive.
How to Make Hard Candy
Christmas Hard Candy Kit
LorAnn hard candy flavor oils has created the most amazing and mouth watering flavors.
I've tried multitudes of them and they always please. This is a great product delivering on the anticipation of old fashioned hard tack.
Hard Tack is an expression of days gone by. It's what my elders called hard candy.
They would powder it in powdered sugar, so it wouldn't stick together, and seal it up in a screw top jar for the holidays.
This is a Christmas holiday tradition my family loves.
The instructions are included with the candy flavor oil. Just follow the easy instructions included for the best hard Christmas candy ever.
Candy Thermometer
I love this thermometer for it's storage and carrying sleeve, the temperature range and the fact the stem is stored in an antibacterial pen of sorts.
The secret to making any great homemade candy is cooking it to the correct temperature. You must have a good thermometer to do this. Get the temperature right and you'll have the perfect holiday treat.
Good at Making Homemade Candy?
Are you good at making homemade candy? Have you ever tried?
No, I've tried and it always comes out terrible.

wow! you are so creative. yes, its true Christmas is a special time! creating those candy is something of an art and i really love it. thanks for sharing.

I have never tried this, although I considered doing it years ago when my kids were small. Guess I never found the time. Guess I'll list this as a No - but hopefully it would have been delicious!!!
Yes and I make the best homemade candy ever

Homemade candy is fun to make and serve. Nevertheless, it'll be fun to adapt or adopt the practical information and persuasive product lines included here: Thank you!
Learn Great Cellophane Bag Tips
Trusted Wizzley author Sam has written a great guide to the best use of celllophane.
I'm sure you will find this useful when planning your Christmas candy gift packaging.
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Chat about secret family recipes for homemade Christmas candy
This wizzley draws me every Advent through Christmas to Epiphany because of the generous images, information and product lines.
Your first subheading, Chocolate pretzels, appeals to me even as pretzels appear with bananas and peanut butter among foods that I avoid.
But this time, that subheading causes me to consider something: do you ever do chocolate potato chips?
Debbie, Great idea, what a great way to get quality diabetic chocolates.
I never tried these, but my husband's family would make the dietetic chocolate covered pretzels for their dad.
sandyspider, I love divinity too but find it hard to make. You will have to teach me how.
My favorite is making fudge and caramel. I do love divinity as well. These candy modes and supplies look real good.
Do you have a tutorial article as to how to make these delicious candies? If so send me the link, I'd love to add it to this article so those finding themselves here could also find a few good candy recipes. :)
I make chocolate truffles and chocolate peppermint creams. I've made them so many times!
Brenda, I know right? Start your own little candy party. Invite friends both new and old, invite a neighbor or two, candy parties are a blast. Making candy is always more fun with several people.
I miss making candy and other goodies with my children so much. Why do they have to grow up?
Hey girls, making candy is so much fun with kids and adults. My Mom always made the most amazing candy, it is def a family tradition.