How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast or Overnight

by NateB11

They can be annoying and unsightly. Would be nice to get rid of them. Find out ways to get rid of blackheads quickly.

A blackhead is an exposed pimple with gunk that has oxidized and turned a dark color. Having them can be embarrassing and you might find them totally unattractive and they could even affect your self-esteem and confidence.

Therefore, if you have them, you are likely seeking ways to get rid of them. There are ways to get rid of them quickly, but, of course, skin care is a long-term venture. There are also ways to treat your skin for keeping pimples at bay in the long-run.

Here I present solutions for both the immediate and long-term eradication of those pesky blackheads.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Here are ways that you can get rid of blackheads:

  1. Non-toxic glue. You know, that stuff you used to play with in elementary school. Elmer's Glue is a good one. Apply it to the affected area, let it dry and then peel it off and the blackhead will be on the dried up piece of glue.
  2. Toothpaste. Put some toothpaste on a toothbrush. Wet the area where the blackhead is and wet the toothbrush too. Gently brush the toothpaste into the blackhead. Repeat this process everyday until the problem clears up.
  3. Lime juice. Mix equal parts lime juice, almond oil and glycerin and apply it to the face.Let sit for 30 minutes and rinse off.
  4. Honey and cinnamon. Warm up some honey and add some cinnamon. Apply to face and let sit 30 minutes. Wash off afterward.
  5. Egg whites. Beat the egg whites and apply them to your face. Put a tissue on the area affected and let it dry; when it is stiff, it has dried. When you remove the paper (slowly), the blackhead will come off on the tissue. Of course, wash face after this process.
  6. Olive oil, almond oil and toothpaste. Rinse your face with warm water to open the pores. Soak a washcloth in olive oil and almond oil. Put a dab of toothpaste on the cloth. Rub the toothpaste into the area and then leave it for 5 minute. Rinse your face afterward.
  7. Tomato. Cut up a tomato and put the pieces on the affected areas and leave them there for 15 minutes. Wash face.
  8. Baking soda. Wet your face. Massage baking soda into the areas with blackheads for 30 minutes. Again, rinse.
  9. Yogurt. Apply the yogurt and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash face.
  10. Oatmeal. Mix warm oatmeal with warm water and let it stand for awhile. Apply it to your face and let sit for 30 minutes.
  11. Apple cider. Apply overnight.
  12. Tea tree oil. Apply overnight.
  13. Green Tea. Apply overnight.
  14. Lime juice and salt. Use equal parts, apply and let it dry. Wash face.
  15. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA). Of course, there are creams on the market specifically for treating acne; they contain alpha hydroxy acids and are used to maintain and rejuvenate the skin.

Removing Blackheads Using Egg Whites and Honey

So, there are many healthy and natural ways to deal with blackheads. Hopefully I have given you plenty of options and alternatives for dealing with problems of acne. The ingredients for these suggestions are readily available and easily applied.

Results, too, are amazingly quick. You can apply these basic remedies and your problem with blackheads could be solved within a matter of days.

You will be relieved to find you can eliminate your blackheads and relax and feel confident once again, and go out and socialize, have fun and go on with all of your everyday activities knowing you look fresh and rejuvenated.

Demonstration of How to Use Elmer's Glue to Get Rid of Blackheads

You can get rid of blackheads with home remedies.
You can get rid of blackheads with home remedies.
Lil Larkie (Amy Humphries), Flickr. Some rights reserved.
Updated: 07/14/2020, NateB11
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