iPhone 4S Review - Features and Specs

by Natasha

It's not the iPhone 5, instead Apple just announced an iPhone 4s at their "Let's Talk iPhone" event. Read this detailed iPhone 4s review.

The Apple's "Let's Talk iPhone" was came with a huge surprise for everyone.  Everyone was expecting the announcement on iPhone 5 but instead Apple decided to launch an advanced version of iPhone 4.  So should Apple fans be disappointed, well personally I think not.  iPhone 4S includes most of the speculated feature of iPhone 5, but yea not all.  Anyways, here is a detailed review of all the features that iPhone 4S will have.  Have a Read:

iPhone 4S Review
iPhone 4S Review
A5 Processor
A5 Processor

iPhone 4S Features and Specifications

A5 Processor:
iPhone 4S will have an Apple A5 processor, the same used on iPad 2.  A5 is a dual core processor and has dual core graphics, which means that iPhone 4S will be 7 times faster than it's predecessor and will also enhance the gaming and viewing experience.

Improved Call Quality:

iPhone 4S will offer improved call quality as it will automatically switch between antennas to transmit and receive even in middle of call.

Improved Call Quality
Improved Call Quality

Twice the Data Download Speed:

Now download data twice as fast as before.  iPhone 4S will download data at a speed of 14.4 MBps and will have a upload speed of 5.8MBps.  Now isn't that great.

Faster Downloads
Faster Downloads

iPhone 4S is a World Phone:

The feature that every apple fan had been waiting for.  Finally, the iPhone comes in both CDMA and GSM option, making it a world phone.  Now, you can take your iPhone to any part of the world. 

World Phone
World Phone

8 Megapixel Camera:

This was the most speculated feature for iPhone 5.  Well, guess Apple always planned it to put that into the advanced version of iPhone 4 and which also proves that the Sushi story was not a publicity stunt by Apple.  

iPhone 4S will have a 8MP sensor which means you can take pictures with a screen resolution of 3264x2448 which is 60% more than iPhone 4.  Also, the camera will be 33% times faster and will also have better color accuracy.

8 Megapixel Camera
8 Megapixel Camera

1080p HD Video Recording:

Now you can take 1080p HD video with the new iPhone.  It also features real time video stabilization and noise reduction.  Apple claims that it will be the best still video camera that a consumer has ever own.  Can't wait to see the first video.  Will post it here as soon as it is out.


WIth Airplay, you can stream photos and videos directly to your Apple TV.  Alternatively, you can also plugin an HDMI cable and do mirroring.

iOS 5:

Well, the most awaited iOS5.  It is faster and has 200 plus feature.  It will be available for download to all on Oct 12th.  We will know exactly what it does then.

New Voice Feature Called Siri:

This is a very exciting feature.  Now talk to your iPhone and tell it to do stuff for you.  For example, you want to know what is the weather today, just ask Siri and it will give you the weather listing.  You can also ask Siri a whole lot of other stuff.  Really innovative and exciting.  Apple even gave a demo on it.


Black and White Model:

Apple finally fulfilled the demand of millions Apple fans by launching iPhone 4S in both black and white models.  I am sure Apple fans will be delighted.  I am pretty delighted

Available on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint:

Sprint is the latest addition to the iphone carrier.  Now iphone users won't have to change their provider to get an iPhone.  Nice.

So Do You Like the Announced iPhone 4S Features

Will You Buy an iPhone 4S for Christmas?

Price of iPhone 4S:

iPhone 4S will come in 3 models, 16GB, 32 GB and 64 GB.  The 16GB will cost $199, 32GB for $299 and 64GB model for $399 with a two year contract.  Pre-order starts on 7th Oct and iPhone 4S will be available by 14th Oct in US, UK, Canada, Japan, France and Germany.

Price of iPhone 4S
Price of iPhone 4S

Do Your Friends Know About iPhone 4S?

Why don't you let your friends know about the new iPhone 4S.  Share it with your network and friends.  All tweers, likes, shares and plus ones will be appreciated.  Also, let me know what you think of this new iPhone 4S.  From one apple fan to another.

Buy iPhone 4S Right Now

Apple iPhone 4S 16GB - FACTORY UNLOCKED -
Only $700.00
Updated: 11/11/2011, Natasha
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Comments on iPhone 4S Review

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johny on 03/31/2012

I don't think iphone-4s is really inferior to samsung galaxy or htc one. I think iphone 5 would be the real killer....

Holistic_Health on 10/20/2011

Thanks for the review. I'll have to wait to February when my contract is up for renewal.

Fb covers on 10/19/2011

I sell Android devices every day. I love them for selection, screen size, free apps and more. But I have never liked them for smoothness, which is why I use an iPhone and have used an iPhone since the 2G. Loving my 4s, speed compared to the 4 is already faster than I thought it would have been, camera is absolutely amazing, Siri is fun to use and most apps aren't even optimized for the new GPU yet.
Both platforms have amazing things to offer, but my iPhone jailbroken is the way to go for me.

Natasha on 10/06/2011

@Michey - I miss Steve presentation and I was really shocked to hear the news about his demise today. We lost a innovator and a great entrepreneur today.

@Samsons - I guess every apple fan was expecting the iPhone 5 but iPhone 4S is not bad as well. Nice features and you are so right, "variety is the spice of life".

samsons1 on 10/05/2011

I love it! I also was expecting the iPhone 5, but that's ok, for now. The feature make for a very attractive alternative to the 'droids' which have seemingly captured the market. Mac and PC have their points of interest and variety is the 'spice of life'...

Michey on 10/05/2011

By the way, iPhone 4S has a great speed, a 50% quicker download is a dream, but what I was hoping for was the iPhone 5... and I miss Steve presentations... but this is just me, we have to use to it!

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