Is your living room a war zone?

by Buddie_Wilson

My teenage son and his non-stop addiction to Call of Duty.

It's the new game of the year for most teenage boys (and some men in their 20's and older actually), and it has now taken my living room by storm.

Now don't get me wrong, as my teenager has all the gaming devices pretty much known to  man, even the obsolete ones where you have to go to some back-alley store to get games, there is not enough hookups for all of them to be on one television so they are split between his bedroom and the living room.  The living room television has the 42" LCD and stereo hooked up to it ~ I thought it would be nice for me to have my own surround sound as I watched movies. This television has two gaming consoles hooked up to it along with other things you plug into your television, I forget what's back there and just see a lot of wires.  His bedroom television also has two gaming devices and other things hooked up to it so he can get the "MOST AWESUME GAME PLAY MOM".   Then there is the spare room which? is not finished and needs renovating done so ALL these games can be transferred into one room and hooked to pre-modern television sets.  Notably, I will get these dinosaur television sets that nobody wants anymore quite easily; they are usually found on curb sides outside of people's houses. ~not kidding.

As it pains me to say, I am familiar with this Call of Duty game  since we pretty much have all the discs in the so-called series. Not like they are the cheapest thing in the world, but a pretty good buck to keep your teenager occupied during winter snowstorms.  I even inquired about it to him, asking him questions, making conversation.  The graphics are amazing, the language is foul, and the whole experience is really intense.  The ideas and technology today I tell you.........why is it that we didn't land on the moon again?  ~ I digress.

When the war starts or should I say continues for all eternity it appears, its not 'bing, pow, kapowie''s more like "RAT-TAT-TAT-BA-BA-BOOM-CRASH-BANG-BOOM-RATT-TAT....(repeat numerous times)"  ~ you get the picture.  The dog is hunkered down and the cat is hiding upstairs in a closet somewhere.  And as I sit at the kitchen table while the Modern Warfare progresses with a drink in hand, i think to myself......could have been worse, I could have had a girl. 

Eventually, I will finish the spare room, move all his little games in there and probably never see him again.  I'm guessing the only time I will see him is when he surfaces for food/drink and occasional bathroom breaks, or to let his little buddies in the house so they can game.  You know, the typical life of a teenager.

But until that time comes, I will still wonder -I thought Obama was bringing home the troops?



*this article is intended for smiling purposes only :D (unless of course you click on a link and buy the game)

Call of Duty: Black Ops

The newest installment in the biggest action series of all time and the follow-up to last year's blockbuster Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops launches on November 9, ...

$30.84  $26.0
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare is back. On November 8th, the best-selling first person action series of all-time returns with the epic sequel to the multiple Game of the Year award winner ...

$34.98  $15.99
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

$40.41  $23.0
Updated: 01/03/2012, Buddie_Wilson
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