Every serious on-line writer needs to know at least something about keyword research. I write on-line about five years now and if I can expose only one skill which should be mastered to get at least some traffic to web pages, it's definitely a keyword research.
I tried many of available tools among which large percent just don't deliver what should. So I decided to make a lit of 10 best free tools which can help us building a list of keywords with traffic / earning potential. For your convenience I present them right here and right now.
Welcome back, HollieT. It's always great to see a familiar face. Keyword reasearch is a necessity, I agree. Still, it's not enough. But without keywords you hardly stand a chance to get noticed, so it's the best possible first step.
This is really helpful, I've returned to content writing after a 10 year break. Things have changed so much and I have been trying to find more info about free keyword research
Yes, DerdriuMarriner, there are numerous courses. Some are very expensive, raging up to several tens of thousands of dollars. But you can start on YouTube for free and have a good headstart.
Your first tool, The Best Keyword Tool Is Not Even Designed For Keyword Research!, can be a vicious circle.
Google Keyword Planner helps us the most. But at the same time, it intends to plan ad campaigns. Also at the same time, many know not at all how to use Google Keyword Planner correctly.
How would one be trained or train oneself in proper Google Keyword Planer use? Would there be some kind of internet course?
Thanks, Afzal Alam, i hope, my article helped you at least a bit.
I've attempted some of these subsequent to perusing your article. It's great to remember catchphrases and watchword apparatuses. I saw that my articles don't come up in serps. I imagined that was on the grounds that Google is hitting destinations like our own truly hard. Be that as it may, perhaps I'm not utilizing enough catchphrases. Certainly a comment as a primary concern.
Thanks, gomezpeter. Did you try any of other tools? Adwords doesn't list all keywords, especially if they don't have commercial value. I always include adwords, but only as a part of keyword stategy, never as a standalone tool.
Its quite useful information you have shared with us, that’s really great. But the only tool i liked the most from your mentioned list is adwords.
Glad to present it, Rose:)
Great list - lots I hadn't heard of. Always nice to come across new stuff!