Laughter is the best medicine posters

by CherylsArt

Whether you like to laugh or like to encourage laughter, these fun posters may be just what you need to encourage smiles and/or a chuckle or two.

It's fun to laugh. It adds more color to our lives, and uses our stomach muscles too. I don't know about you, but I can always use more of that. : )

Whether you are looking for a fun reminder, that Laughter is the best medicine, or a funny poster to laugh at or with, you'll find some unique posters to do just that. Check out what various artists have created, to push your laugh button, here.

Laughter is good for the mind and the body.

Laughing not only uses stomach and facial muscles, it increases endorphins, which helps with our overall well being. That is definitely something to smile about.

Get viewers attention with a colorful eyecatching poster.

Colors attract attention. Bright and cheerful ones are more pleasant to read.

The smiley face below is laughing so hard, that his tongue is hanging out.

Do you remember having a big hardy laugh?

Have you ever watched the Big Bang Theory? There was an episode, I think in the 6th or 7th season, where Howard had been applying estrogen cream on his mother's back. He supposedly got too much in to his own system and started acting very feminine like. I thought that show was super funny, and I laughed most of the way through.

Big Smiley Face with a Big Laugh

Have you laughed yet today?

Watch the babies and see what happens.

Then there are posters that just make us laugh.

Sometimes it helps to laugh at our mistakes.

Do you think the dinosaurs were around when Noah's ark sailed off?

What might they have been thinking?

Here is a prehistoric oops to tickle your funny bone.

Medicine has come a long way.

In the days of old, such as when Ben Franklin was living, anesthesiology consisted of strong drink or a bonk to the head to knock the patient out.

Patients were usually given the choice, of which one they preferred. Funny, I don't think insurance companies would have been in business when those were the only choices to be sedated. No, they didn't come around until the medical business became lucrative. : )

Funny Anesthesiologist Poster

Speaking of prehistoric times, do you think Biblical people played jokes on one another?

What would one look like?


Did Moses take his powers too far?

Before you go, here's a cute joke.

What do you get when you put jam on toast?

Jam on toast! Hehe.

Updated: 10/04/2013, CherylsArt
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Make me laugh. Do you have a funny clean joke to share?

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CherylsArt on 10/06/2013

Thank you MikeRobbers. : ) Much joy and laughter to you.

MikeRobbers on 10/06/2013

I couldn't agree more about laughter and you did a good job with your post :)

CherylsArt on 10/05/2013

@cmoneyspinner Glad you had a chuckle.

cmoneyspinner on 10/05/2013

No joke to share at the moment but that cartoon about Moses is hilarious! :)

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