
by Lejouack

The life and times of Birdy Lejouack an (not so) ordinary Cornish Grandmother. About Me.

Aged 18 I was involved in a serious auto accident which resulted in "slight" brain damage (although how anything like this can ever be called "slight" !!). The only noticeable physical result of this, apart from a few small scars is the fact that I have one pupil considerably larger than the other which has frightened every medical practitioner that I have ever seen since. The effect that I prefer to credit to this collision is that part of my brain appears to have become stuck at the age of 18, which I can blame for any behavior unseemly in a grandmother.

Kernow a’gas dynergh

Welcome to Cornwall

I am proud and happy to live in Cornwall, which I believe to be the most beautiful, magical and historic part of the British Isles. The County is rich with myths, legends and folklore, faeries, piskies and rarely glimpsed beasts.

The book "The Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall" collected and edited by Robert Hunt in 1881 clearly states that in Cornwall there are five varieties of the fairy family:

  1. The Small People
  2. The Spriggans
  3. Piskies (or Pigseys)
  4. The Buccas, Bockles, or Knockers
  5. The Browneys

and that is before you even consider Giants, Mermaids or Elves!


Land of Myths and Legends

Passionate About Photography....

.....although most definitely NOT a Pro!

Herring Gull at Charlestown CornwallI love to take photographs and luckily living in Cornwall there is never a lack of things to take pictures of. I prefer to take pics fast and frequently - the pro photography club chat of filters, apertures, lenses and exposures bores me into a coma in minutes.

Making my photos into products on Zazzle is another passion, but I know that my lovely pictures will always take second place to cutesy cartoons, fancy wedding invitations and mind-numbing Keep Calm and Whatever posters in the sales stakes.


A Sunny Day on the South West Coastpath near Portholland Cornwall


Thursday Adventures

Tempests, Floods or Storms will not stop us!

My partner and I only share 1 day off a week - Thursdays. I spend a good part of every Wednesday planning our Thursday adventure and finding places for us to visit that we have never been to before. We have discovered hidden places in Cornwall that the tourists do not know exist. Often because getting to these places involves leaving the car and walking for miles along narrow and sometimes hazardous clifftop pathways.

Every Thursday we go out, no matter what! It can be raining in torrents and blowing a gale, and often is. Mackerel CoveThis can make taking photographs difficult and not always rewarding. I have whole folders on my laptop full of pictures of a grey sky over a grey sea.

On a Thursday that promises fair weather we will be up and packing our picnic as early as possible so as not to miss a minute of the day.

Once we are too exhausted to take in any more new sights, we will usually find ourselves at a cozy country pub - not that I plan this of course!


Oh and By the Way.....

...... for anyone who is wondering.... Lejouack is the Cornish word for a Jackdaw.

Updated: 08/26/2014, Lejouack
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DerdriuMarriner on 01/07/2023

The second sentence in the first paragraph to your first subheading, Kernow a’gas dynergh Welcome to Cornwall, indicates that "The County is rich with myths, legends and folklore, faeries, piskies and rarely glimpsed beasts."

What would those "rarely glimpsed beasts" be?

DerdriuMarriner on 09/22/2022

The computer crashed before I could add the temporal dimension to my question about your photographic skills.

Your images respectively below the subheadings Passionate about photography and Thursday adventures suggest considerable cloud cover. When during the morning, afternoon, evening were they taken?

DerdriuMarriner on 09/17/2022

The blades and stalks in your last landscape shot, the foliage in your second shot and the detail in the bird perch are all colorfully, shape-fully and texture-fully clear.

What type of camera do you use?

DerdriuMarriner on 09/08/2022

Your subheading Thursday Adventures Tempests, Floods or Storms will not stop us! ends your adventures at a country pub.

What would be your recommendations for what to drink and eat there?

DerdriuMarriner on 05/11/2022

Revisiting your wizzley brought to mind something that I'd meant to ask with the first reading.

Is the statue of the spriggan by Marilyn Collins in the Parkland Walk section of Crouch End, London, considered authentic according to historic descriptions and drawings or is it deemed whimsical?

DerdriuMarriner on 04/20/2017

Lejouack, Welcome to Wizzley! Are there any special roles for or stories about jackdaws in Cornish culture?

dustytoes on 09/04/2014

Hello, welcome and nice page. My son has one pupil larger than the other - he was born that way! I love photography too.

JoHarrington on 08/27/2014

Welcome to Wizzley! It's always love to find another Celt.

Lejouack on 08/26/2014

Thanks WordChazer - I have opened a new store on Zazzle to put other designs on rather than my photos so we will see how that goes. I have sold a few postcards recently and 1 print but not much else.

Guest on 08/26/2014

I also tried to put my arty photos into things on Zazzle, but I guess until I've made my name with the Keep Calm and Write variety of items on the site. I'm not into the cutesy cartoons either, but some of the Keep Calm and... are funny. Welcome to Wizzley. I look forward to reading more from you in due course.

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