Living Without Love - How to Find Love

by katiem2

You may think you can get by just fine on your own, without love. Everyone needs and deserves love, learn how to live with love and invite love into your life.

Many of us go through long periods of time being alone or living without a romantic partner. While this is perfectly normal some of us get in a rut or fall into a loveless trap. We feel if were are without a partner we are unlovable and push others from our lives.

Love is something we all need to be healthy, happy and successful human beings enjoying life to the fullest. We all want a long and pleasurable love in our lives, the kind that last a lifetime and yet many of us struggle alone or worse feel alone in a bad relationship.

Why Live Without Love?

Who Needs Love Anyway?

Depriving oneself of love in your life for the sake of being strong is a cop out.  

Strength has nothing to do with it.  Love is a separate and unique need each of us share.  

The ability to press on alone and or without love in our life is not a healthy mindset. It is in fact a deep seeded inner belief that we are not worthy of love.  

Love comes in many forms, that of friends, family and extended family all of which are vital for good mental and physical health. 

We don't always need a romantic love in our life but we all need love and affection from others and yet we are all worthy!

At one time or another we all feel the desire or need to be romantically loved by another. Some of us force it from our minds as if we are incapable of loving or being loved.

Remaining open to all types of love in our lives allows room for romantic love to grow and develop as we leave our hearts and minds open to the possibility.  

It is when others see us as loving and healthy people they are attracted to us.  Warm loving people always attract more love whereas cold withdrawn people repel others.  Which do you want to be?

Everyone Needs Love

Love is a basic human emotion we both need to give and receive in order to achieve the most happiness and well being life has to offer.

Do We Need Love to Thrive? Love is both a feeling and an action, we can't help but feel it and yet often don't allow ourselves to act on it.   We are all worthy of love. It's the little things we do daily, acting out our feelings of love for one another, that keep the feeling alive and well realizing our worth.

A spark if you will for other types of love take hold in our lives. It's when you're with others, family and friends, doing what you love you run into people like yourself.  Those of which you may fall in love with. You never know when you might meet the right person.

The 5 Steps to Enjoy Love

Enjoying a loving romance in your life adds so much happiness and joy bringing out the real you.

First and foremost never stop loving. We humans have this incredible self destructive habit of turning away from love once we’ve experienced rejection or the painful end to a loving relationship.

We have got to get it through our heads that we need love as desperately as we need food and water. Once the love, much like food, has left or been used up we must move on to the market place of life and find new and nourishing food or love to flourish and be fulfilled.

We may not always have an intimate relationship with the opposite sex yet we do have love around us and should always nurture and embrace our loving relationships.

So hear this; Never stop loving! Reach out and love friends and family surrounding yourself with people you love and admire. Never isolate yourself, no matter how tempting it is don't go down that road as you could get lost there. Avoid it like the plague!

Friends Night Out

5 Ways to Give and Receive Love

Learning to give to others and open yourself to be honest and caring gets you love in return.

Second we are never to expect anything in return. Love is a gift you give away without expecting something in return; this is the beauty of love. 

Love just for the sake of love without the insurance that the other person will love you back as they in no way are entitled to. Never allow yourself to be mistreated and don’t force your love on another yet show it and respect the others privacy and personal choice to love you back or not. If the love is reciprocated wonderful if not move on and try again. We are loving creatures, it is natural for us to love over and over again.

Third is to love unconditionally and without stipulations. If you attach agreements or expectations to love it is not love at all. If you admire one lovingly with no intentions of changing or improving them you're expressing unconditional love and that’s the perfect measure of true love. You may ask yourself the question; can I improve this persons life by being an attribute to their already wonderful qualities not expecting change or improvements?

Fourth is to practice empathy by putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Never impose your personal expectations or control on another yet look deeply into the person they are and embrace them as they are. This step is a major key to unconditional love. If you can not find complete and total respect and admiration for a person it's not a good idea to entertain the thought of a relationship with them. Compatibility and acceptance is vital to love fully and love for life.

Fifth is to realize that love can be fleeting, ever changing, come to an end and love can indeed be lost unexpected and suddenly.

Once you make it a habit of thinking of others as individuals you will never own or possess understanding you could lose them at any given time you come to have a greater appreciation for them and are less prone to taking advantage of them. Be forever grateful that you have someone to love and do just that, love them.

Much Love and Happiness, Katie

Updated: 01/02/2013, katiem2
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