Crocuses do well in cold to moderate winter weather. They won't grow in hot climates, although you might try growing them in pots if you have a cool room in the house.
Plant crocus bulbs (corms) in the fall. Look around for a sunny area where the ground doesn't normally get too wet or soggy. You might want to find a spot where you can see the crocuses bloom from your window.
Crocuses are small corms, so they dry out faster than larger bulbs. Plant the crocus in early fall as soon as you buy them.
You can buy crocus at many retail and home improvement stores, but the packages will probably not be labeled with their scientific name. If you want to plant a particular type of crocus, buy from a well known nursery or mail order store.
Plant crocus corms with the pointed side up. Dig a hole about 2 inches deep and plant the corms about 2 or 3 inches apart. You can plant crocus throughout your lawn, in flower beds, and in pots.
Work the soil a little before you plant, adding compost or a little plant fertilizer. Crocuses are hardy plants and don't need much help unless your soil is extremely poor. Afterwards, you can put a thin layer of mulch if you like.
Crocuses don't have insect problems and are resistant to disease, but squirrels like to eat new corms. If you have squirrels in the area, you can lay chicken wire on top of the ground after planting. If the corms are planted in a garden, you can cover the wire with mulch to hide it. It you're planting in your yard, you may want to leave the wire exposed or place some flags or markers so you'll remember where the bulbs are.
Oh yes, when I lived in cooler northern climate areas I so enjoyed when the crocus flower began to bloom. And yes, I am always careful not to mow the wildflowers, including dandelions!
I love our spring crocuses. Keep meaning to plant some autumn ones too. They are so pretty. Love your beautiful photos :)
I didn't even know there was a such thing as fall crocuses. I'll be looking for them now.
How interesting. I didn't know there were autumn crocuses -- and that they were poisonous!
I love crocus flowers, I have them planted all throughout my front lawn, it's so beautiful when they pop from the ground creating a blanket of purple among my lawn still coming to life. Great flowers indeed. :)K
I like them, because they are so early.